Jokowi Admits Sad That Indonesia Is Respected By Other Countries But Understated At Home, Observer: In What Form?

JAKARTA - The statement of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) admitted that he was sad because Indonesia's position, which was increasingly respected by other countries, was often underestimated at home by several parties. He conveyed the president's complaint during the 10th anniversary of the Nasdem Party, Thursday, November 11.

Esa Unggul University political communication observer, Jamiluddin Ritonga, deeply regrets Jokowi's statement. The reason is, Jokowi did not mention in what form the efforts to dwarf Indonesia domestically. Besides that, so far there has not been found any Indonesians who dwarf the country.


"During the Jokowi administration, criticism continued to resonate. But criticism like that also happened when Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, Megawati Soekarno Putri, Abdurrahman Wahid, and BJ Habibie became president. They did not complain about it as an attempt to dwarf Indonesia," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Friday, November 12.


If there is constant criticism of the government, he continued, of course, it cannot be said as an attempt to downplay Indonesia. According to Jamiluddin, criticism is common and recognized in democratic countries. This does not only apply in Indonesia, but in all countries that adhere to democracy.


"So, if there are children of the nation who question poverty, state debt, taxes, and injustice, it should not be interpreted as an attempt to belittle Indonesia. as his love for Indonesia. Because, it will be difficult to understand that Indonesia will be respected by other countries if there is still injustice, poverty, and the country's debt continues to grow," he explained.


After all, said Jamiluddin, the nationalism of the Indonesian people has been tested. Every time Indonesia is cornered by other countries, the Indonesian people must react.


"Even the reaction of the Indonesian people often exceeds the leader. This is proof of the great love of the Indonesian people for their nation and country," he said.

Jamiluddin said it was difficult to understand that in the country there were parties who tried to downplay Indonesia.


"If there are parties like that, according to him, they will definitely get resistance from the nation's children. They will definitely be ostracized by various insults and actions," he said.


"Therefore, it is wise for Jokowi to explain the purpose of his complaint. This is necessary so that there is no commotion in his beloved country," said Jamiluddin.


Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) admitted that he felt sad because Indonesia's position was increasingly respected by other countries, but was often underestimated in his own country.


According to him, the position of the country which is now involved in the chairmanship/presidency of the G20 Summit, and will subsequently become the chairman of ASEAN, should be able to make Indonesians feel honored.


"Often I am sad, our position is respected, our position is increasingly respected, our position is increasingly seen by other countries, but often in our own country it is underestimated," said Jokowi when giving a speech at the 10th Anniversary Nasdem Party, Thursday, November 11.