Nia Daniaty's Child In The CPNS Fraud Case: Was Absent From The Examination, Is Now A Suspect And Detained

JAKARTA - The case of alleged CPNS fraud is slowly finding a bright spot. Where, Olivia Nathania, who was previously a reported status, has now become a suspect.

However, it took quite a long process for the police to ascertain the occurrence of criminal offenses until they finally named the suspect.

Twice Skipping Inspection

The initial stage in the process of handling the case is the examination. The reporting parties and witnesses were questioned one by one.

Not to be missed, Olivia, who is the reported person, was also investigated. However, it was recorded that the woman who is often called Oi had missed the examination twice.

In handling this case, the police had scheduled an examination of Olivia on Thursday, November 4. However, Oi was not present in the examination schedule.

As a result, the police rescheduled the examination of Oi on Friday, November 5. However, this woman again did not fulfill the examination.

Olivia's lawyer, Susanti, said that the reason for her client's absence was because she was still unwell. Olivia is said to have undergone treatment at the hospital some time ago.

"Previously Oi was hospitalized and has been discharged but is still under the care of a doctor," said Susanti.

For that reason, Susanti has communicated with investigators to reschedule the examination. It is planned that the inspection will take place next week.

"We asked for it to be postponed to November 11," said Susanti.

Become a suspect

A few days later or exactly on November 11, Olivia also fulfilled the examination. In fact, he came earlier than the scheduled examination.

Olivia came around 07.00 WIB. In fact, the investigation schedule for Oi has been arranged by investigators at around 10:00 WIB.

Apparently, in this examination Olivia's status was no longer reported. But as a suspect.

"Today's summons as a suspect is not a witness anymore. The suspect has been determined," said Susanti.

However, for now only Olivia has been named a suspect. Although, in this case Olivia's husband was also reported.

"Only Oi is the suspect," said Susanti.


In the examination with Olivia as a suspect it lasted about nine hours. Because, even though they arrived early, the inspection process only started around 11.00 WIB.

Then, the inspection process was completed around 20.19 WIB. Where, after finishing Olivia was immediately taken to the Biddokes Polda Metro Jaya for a health check.

Because the investigators decided to detain Olivia, who had been named the suspect.

Wadirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Jerry Siagian said Olivia was detained for the next 20 days. This detention is the initial stage after the determination of the suspect.

"He was detained. The maximum detention (20 days) is for stage one," said Jerry.

Jerry said the detention was carried out because investigators considered it necessary. "The reason for detention is subjective objective," said Jerry.

Jerry on this occasion said Olivia would be detained at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center. In that case, Olivia has fulfilled the elements of a criminal act of fraud as regulated in Article 378 of the Criminal Code. In fact, it carries a maximum sentence of 4 years in prison.