The COVID-19 Task Force Comment On Hadi Pranoto's Potion: Standard Herbs Or Jamu?

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19, Wiku Adisasmito, highlighted the herbal ingredients for COVID-19 antibodies. Wiku emphasized that he cannot claim to create a COVID-19 drug.

"The government is very open to research on COVID-19 drugs and vaccines. However, they cannot claim that these drugs are COVID-19 drugs without being tested first," said Wiku at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Tuesday, August 4.

According to Wiku, the drug cannot be declared proven to be successful in curing COVID-19 patients if it has not passed the clinical trial stage. Also required an official drug distribution permit.

He doubted Hadi's claim, who claimed to have started research on herbal ingredients since 2000. The herbal concoction for COVID-19 antibodies called Hadi comes from plants that are believed to form antibodies in the human body.

"The drug which is currently being discussed is not clear whether it is a standardized herbal medicine or phytopharmaca, or just a herbal medicine," continued Wiku.

Therefore, Wiku advised the public to be careful in choosing medicines and supplements. You do this by looking at the drug packaging and label. This label contains the name of the product, composition or active ingredient contained in the drug.

"For example, paracetamol or other substances in the drug category such as analgesics, antihistamines, or decongestants and other information, such as storage recommendations," he said.

In addition, Wiku asked the public to pay attention to the expiration date. Because, taking drugs that are past their expiration date has a high risk of health and safety.

"Ensure that there is a permit in the packaging, namely the drugs consumed have a distribution permit from the Indonesian POM. Drugs that already have a license will usually include a registration number," said Wiku.

Hadi Pranoto and the previous COVID-19 antibody immune herbal medicine were in the spotlight. Many doubted that some even reported Hadi Pranoto to the police.

When a vaccine candidate has to pass clinical trials, Hadi claims to have found an herbal concoction that is claimed to be effective in expelling COVID-19 from sufferers.

"The total number of patients we have shared with herbs is almost 26 thousand patients. There are some hospitals, some (which are distributed) directly to individuals, "said Hadi.

This potion was formulated in a laboratory whose location was not revealed by Hadi Pranoto. Claiming to be without chemicals, Hadi, who claims to have researched the properties of plants since 2000, found the exact composition of the ingredients.

"Soursop compound (material), then mangosteen, coconut, palm sugar and several other mixtures plus the decomposition of soil biology bacteria technology," he explained.

This concoction is then packaged in 100 ml bottles. Hadi again claimed that the bottles of his herbal concoction had been distributed to Java, Sumatra and Bali.

"There are a lot of compounds, there are soursop compounds in the skin, seeds, fruit which have their respective functions, we take the compounds and turn them into herbs, with several others and we have our own laboratory," he explained.

The claim that herbs can cure COVID-19 patients raises many questions, including from the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). Moreover, IDI emphasized that every study must be based on a medical approach with scientific evidence.