At SDN 1 Godean Yogyakarta, Puan Becomes A History Teacher And Gives Quizzes To Students

JAKARTA - In the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), the Chairperson of the DPR, Puan Maharani, checked face-to-face learning (PTM) in the school environment. Puan also became an impromptu teacher by teaching about the history of the Indonesian nation.

Puan visits PTM at SDN 1 Godean, Sleman, DIY, Thursday 11 November. There, Puan saw the learning process directly, which is now starting to be implemented in accordance with the health protocol. Puan was accompanied by the Principal of SDN 1 Godean, Rahmat Susilo.

To the principal, Puan asked about the PTM mechanism that had been carried out. In addition, there is also a matter of vaccination for students. The principal said that everything went smoothly.

One of the classes that Puan went to was Class VB, which was studying history. When Puan came, the homeroom teacher named Ismawati was teaching the names of heroes to her students.

After observing for some time, Puan then taught about the history of the struggle of the heroes in seizing Indonesia's independence. He also held a quiz with the theme of questions about independence and national heroes.

"Who knows what date Hero's Day is celebrated on?" Puan asked the students of SDN 1 Godean who took part in PTM.

A student then quickly answered. Puan also asked the question of who sewed the Red and White flag for the flag hoisting during the proclamation of Indonesian independence.

"Mrs. Fatmawati," answered a student named Rafan.

The students who succeeded in answering the questions were given a cellphone as a gift, while all other students who were present in the class received a bag and writing utensils. Puan then advised the students to know the names and roles of heroes who fought for Indonesian independence.

"Because all of our heroes are smart people. They used to study even though there was no school. Now you are in school, so you have to study hard,” said the first woman who served as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"Study hard. And remember to always maintain health protocols while studying at school. Not only at school but on the way to school, you must also maintain health protocols. It's like wearing a mask and not crowding," continued Puan.

On that occasion, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also distributed a number of laptops for the school to use. Puan also received a collection of short stories about character education by a teacher at SDN 1 Godean.

A number of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives accompanied Puan such as the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives Banggar Said Abdullah, Deputy Chair of Commission X DPR RI Agustina Wilujeng Pramestuti, Deputy Chair of Commission XI DPR RI Dolfie, Member of Commission III DPR RI M Idham Samawi, and Member of Commission X DPR RI My Esti Wijayanti. In addition, the Regent and Deputy Regent of Sleman, Kustini-Danang Maharsa, were also present.