BMKG: Four Regions In NTT Experience Long Days Without Extreme Rain

LARANTUKA - Kupang Climatology Station, Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that four areas in East Nusa Tenggara are still experiencing days without rain (HTH) in the extreme long category.

"Regions with extreme long HTH need to be aware of the impact of hydrometeorological drought because it has not rained for more than 60 days," said BMKG Kupang Class II Climatology Station Head Rahmattulloh Adji as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 10.

He said this was related to the latest climate information in the NTT region which was updated as of November 10, 2021.

Rahmattulloh said the areas experiencing extreme long HTH include Nagekeo Regency around Rendu, Lembata Regency around Hadakewa and Wulandoni.

In addition, Southwest Sumba Regency is around Waitabula, and East Sumba Regency is around Rambangaru and Kamanggih.

Areas affected by this extreme long HTH need to be aware of the impacts of disasters caused by hydrometeorological droughts such as water crises as well as land and forest fires.

In addition to the four regions, he said, generally areas in NTT experience Rainy Days (HH) to very short HTH categories (1-5 days).

Meanwhile, based on an analysis of the Dasarian I rainfall in November 2021, it shows that generally the NTT region experiences low rainfall (0-50 mm).

A small part of East Manggarai Regency and West Manggarai Regency experienced very high category of rainfall (more than 300 mm).