13 Years As Regional Secretary Of SBB Regency, Mansur Becomes A Suspect And Detained In Ambon Rutan

MALUKU - The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of West Seram Regency (SBB), Maluku, Mansur Tuharea was detained at the Class II A Waiheru State Detention Center, Ambon, Wednesday, November 10.

Mansur was detained after undergoing examination as a suspect in a case of alleged direct budget corruption at the SBB Regional Secretariat for the 2016 fiscal year.

"After undergoing examination as a suspect, the Maluku Prosecutor's Office investigator immediately detained him and left him in the Ambon Detention Center for 20 days," said Aspidsus Maluku Prosecutor M Rudy, in Ambon, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 10.

During the examination, the suspect was accompanied by two legal advisers, who were asked about 40 questions regarding the management of the direct expenditure budget within the scope of the SBB Regional Secretariat for the 2016 fiscal year, which totaled Rp. 18 billion.

Then the amount of state financial losses arising in this case amounted to Rp. 8.6 billion, it was found out after the prosecutor involved the Regional Inspectorate as the Local Government Internal Supervision Apparatus. led by Regent Yakobis Puttileihalat.

The prosecutor's detention of the SBB District Secretary was carried out after the previous day having detained four other suspects involved in the case.

Those who were detained by the prosecutor and entrusted to the Class II A Ambon Rutan each had the initials RT, AP, AN, and UH.

"The detention of these four suspects was also carried out after the Maluku Attorney General's Office investigators conducted an examination of them," said M Rudy.