Police Hunt For Other Parties In Illegal Borrowing Cases With The Mode Of Savings And Loans Cooperatives Mastered By Chinese Citizens

JAKARTA - The National Police are still hunting for the loan network with the mode of savings and loan cooperatives (KSP) which caused fatalities. In this case, the criminal mastermind who is a foreign citizen from China with the initials WJS has been arrested.

"We will continue to develop who is working with these foreign nationals to resolve the illegal loans that are very disturbing to the public", said Head of Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, reporters, Wednesday, November 10.

During the development, continued Rusdi, all parties involved in the illegal activities will be dealt with. Because the eradication of illegal online loans has become a concern. Moreover, this online loan action has claimed lives.

"Of course, anyone who is involved in illegal lending activities will continue to develop", said Rusdi.

The Criminal Investigation Police previously arrested a foreign citizen (WNA) from China with the initials WJS at Soekarno-Hatta Airport. WJS is the main manager in illegal online loans with the savings and loan cooperative (KSP) mode.

The cooperative loan that he manages takes casualties. Where one customer, a resident of Wonogiri, Central Java, committed suicide because he had debts at the cooperative.

"Suspect WJS was arrested at Soekarno-Hatta Airport", said Director of Special Economic Crimes, Brigadier General Helmy Santika.

Based on the preliminary examination, WJS is the owner of the Joint-Owned Innovation (IMB) of KSP. This KSP also oversees many illegal loans.

"He acts as a business director and owner of the Joint-Owned Innovation KSP, recruits people for the business section of the IMB KSP, and looks for illegal loans to become partners of the IMB KSP", said Helmy.