Emotions, Mothers In Surabaya Abuse Toddlers To Death

SURABAYA - The Surabaya Polrestabes team arrested a woman with the initials AS, whose residence is on Jalan Sidokapasan, Kapassari District, Surabaya. AS is suspected of molesting his biological son MTP (4) to death.

"The motive for the abuse was because he was annoyed and emotional towards his child. The US suspect admitted that he was annoyed with his son (MTP), because it was difficult to tell him about frequent bowel movements in his pants, and often disturbing his younger brother who was a toddler," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Surabaya Police, Kompol. Mirzal Maulana, confirmed, Wednesday, November 10.

Mirzal explained that the incident was discovered when the MTP victim had died under unnatural circumstances on Tuesday 9 November afternoon.

Furthermore, the police conducted an investigation at the scene and found the fact that the victim died due to physical violence (blunt) against the victim's body.

Then the police asked for statements from witnesses at the scene, namely MS, the suspect's husband and MJT's grandmother. Based on information from witnesses, the police then secured the US suspect for the investigation process.

"The US suspect admitted that he had intentionally abused his child, because of uncontrolled emotions and anger until the victim died," he said.

In addition to arresting the suspect, the police also secured several pieces of evidence, namely the clothes the suspect was wearing, the victim's clothes, the results of the VER and the victim's autopsy.

As a result of his actions, the suspect AS was charged with Article 80 paragraph (3) of the Republic of Indonesia Law no. 35 of 2014 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence and or Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code.