PT WIKA's Answer To The Alleged Internal Parties Involvement In Iron Theft Case For The JKT-BDG High Speed Rail Project

JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Police are still investigating the case of iron theft in the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project. Because, the amount of loss reached billions of rupiah. As stated by the East Jakarta Police Chief Grand Commissioner Pol Erwin Kurniawan, when the case was held at the East Jakarta Police, Monday, November 8, the theft had been going on for 6 months.

"The perpetrators have sold 111,081 kilograms (111,081 tons). This has been going on for six months. This is quite astonishing," said Pol Grand Commissioner Erwin Kurniawan to VOI at the East Jakarta Police, Monday, November 8.

A number of questions arise, whether there is involvement of internal parties, in this case, PT WIKA as the aggrieved party, assisting the suspects in carrying out their actions.

PT Wika's Corporate Communication Coordinator, Fekum Ariesbowo, in Sindonews reporting, Wednesday, November 10, said that his party could not confirm this allegation.

"It's still under police investigation, so we can't provide further answers," said Fekum.

Fekum did not want to precede the police, therefore he left it entirely to the East Jakarta Police who handled this case.

"Do not want to preempt the investigation, I respect the process that took place first," he said.

Fekum again said that if the results of the police investigation were completed, his party would provide answers regarding the alleged involvement of insiders in the case of iron theft of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project which caused a loss of more than Rp1 billion.

"When it is clear, the results of the investigation can be seen more clearly, who the subjects are and then what is the cause and so on, we will confirm further later," explained Fekum.