Moeldoko: No Gap Between Youth And Government

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko said there should not be a gap between youth and the government so that every aspiration from the next generation of groups can reach the Presidential Palace.

"There should not be a gap between youth and the government. So forums like this should be held more often so that we know what the thoughts and solutions of youth are," said Moeldoko in the discussion "Youth Speaks for Indonesia 2045" as the KSP press release received in Jakarta , reported by Antara, Monday, November 8.

Youth aspirations, said Moeldoko, must be heard up to the Palace so that solutions can be created for problems that have not been resolved by the government.

"To achieve this, the President has given strategic policy directions, namely infrastructure development, human resources, bureaucratic reform, regulatory reform, and economic transformation," said Moeldoko.

The discussion on "Youth Talks to Meet Indonesia 2045" on Monday was initiated by the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) to welcome Heroes' Day on November 10. The discussion was attended by representatives from the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII), Islamic Student Association (HMI), Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM), and the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI).

Moeldoko previously emphasized that the government had never been anti-criticism from any party. The government is also always open to dialogue to accept all aspirations.

Moeldoko when he met the All-Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) on October 21, 2021, also invited students to have a dialogue at the KSP Office.

"Comrades, please come to KSP. My office door is always open for us to have a dialogue," said the former TNI commander.

Moeldoko when meeting with BEM SI on the occasion also received a document review of the 7 Years of President Joko Widodo's administration as an evaluation and supervision of government policies. He promised to submit a document containing a study of the 12 demands to President Joko Widodo.