Rob Flood Eats Victims, Bobby Nasution Orders The Head Of Medan Belawan To Visit Victims' Families

MEDAN - The tidal flood that submerged the Belawan area, Medan City in the last few days has claimed lives. The victim is a toddler named Rania Afriani.

The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, immediately responded to this incident. Bobby ordered the sub-district head of Medan Belawan, Subhan Fajri Harahap, to visit the victim's house, which is located on Jalan Kenanga, Belawan Bahagia Village.

"On the orders of the Guardian, we visited the victim's house this morning, met her parents and grandmother who were taking care of the victim at the time of the incident," said Subhan to VOI, Monday, November 8.

During the visit, said Subhan, Bobby Nasution advised the family to be patient and steadfast in facing the disaster.

"Earlier, we conveyed a little love and food packages from the guardian to ease the burden on the family a little. The guardian conveyed that the victim was patient and steadfast in facing this ordeal," he said.

In an effort to deal with tidal flooding, Subhan explained that his party is still continuing to clean the clogged drainage channels due to garbage and soil sedimentation.

In addition, socialization to residents has also been carried out since November 1st. It is known, based on the prediction of the BMKG of Medan, from November 2-9, there will be tidal flooding with a height of 2.8 meters of sea inundation.

"That's the highest flood that inundated 0.5-1.5 meters on land," he explained.

It also continues to monitor the level of high tides. From the monitoring carried out this morning, he said the water level was no longer the same as on November 4-6 yesterday.

In dealing with tidal flooding, Subhan said the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, wanted the best solution. The Medan City Government has rejected the Detail Engineering Design (DED) given by the PUPR Ministry.

"The guardian wants the DED to be revised. Yesterday, don't just elevate the road, look for other solutions so that the tidal flood is maximally resolved. If only raising the road will cause more houses to be submerged," he explained.

Therefore, he appealed to the people of Belawan District to increase their vigilance and always be alert in the face of tidal flooding. Subhan hopes that no more victims will fall due to the tidal water immersion.

"Many houses have been affected, almost in all urban villages. Residents must be vigilant and avoid further casualties, especially for small children," said Subhan.