4 Reasons Why Being Single Sometimes It's Not Fun

JAKARTA - Everyone is destined to meet a partner who will live together until death do them part. However, to be able to meet him, you have to live life as a single or single for a certain period of time. It might be a few weeks, a few months, or even years.

Unfortunately, single life does not make everyone feel happy and comfortable, maybe you are one of them, which makes them hurry to find a partner. He who is willing to be your partner, you immediately invite to a relationship even though he is not the right person for you.

Actually there are several reasons that unconsciously make you feel uncomfortable living single. Here's a row of reasons.

Feeling that you are at the age that you should be living with a family

You often feel that at a certain age, you have to live with a family and find a life partner. Well, when you reach that age and haven't got all that, you start to feel uncomfortable living alone.

In fact, there is no age limit that determines when a person should marry or have a family.

Feeling left behind from friends

Another reason that makes it often uncomfortable to live single is when you see friends slowly find their life partners and chat about marriage is no longer a high school dream. Well, you have to remember that they are not competitors, but a support system that will not make a problem whether you are single or already in a couple, and vice versa.

Social media is getting more and more uncomfortable

Maybe you often see couples who are about to get married, uploading their pre-wedding photos. Well, without realizing it, you feel like having a similar relationship so that being single is not a life story that makes you feel comfortable. Remember, there's a lot going on behind the photo that you don't know.

Maybe unknowingly, you feel married couples will be happier

Not a few people think that when they are married, their life will be much happier. If you think so, remember that your relationship status doesn't determine someone's happiness.

Here are some reasons that unconsciously make you feel uncomfortable living single or single.