Basarnas Surabaya Stops Search Operations For Batu City Flash Flood Victims

JAKARTA - All victims of the flash flood in the Batu City area, East Java have been found, the Surabaya National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has stopped the search operation.

The search was stopped after the Surabaya Basarnas found the body of Tokip, a resident of Sambong Hamlet, Bulukerto Village, at around 10:00 WIB.

"From the SAR, the search has been stopped, all the victims have been found, a total of seven people. The SAR has also reported stopping the operation", said Deputy Mayor of Batu Punjul Santoso in Batu City, Saturday, November 6.

Based on data from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Batu City, in total 13 victims were reported missing due to being dragged by the flash flood currents. A total of six residents who were swept away by the torrential flash flood are reported to be safe and are undergoing treatment.

Punjul, who also serves as Head of the Batu City Flash Flood Emergency Response Team, said that seven others were found dead. With the discovery of all the victims who were swept away by the flash flood, the search operation was stopped. The team has been working optimally to find victims who were swept away by the flash flood.

"The search is closed, the team has worked optimally", continued Punjul.

Currently, continued Punjul, flash flood handling operations continue to be carried out, mainly related to cleaning debris and remaining material in several areas affected by the flash flood that occurred on Thursday, November 4, at around 14:00 WIB.

"Currently the focus is on efforts to clean up material left over from the flash flood", he said.

Seven victims who died due to the flash flood that occurred in Batu City were recorded on behalf of Wiji (a resident of Sambong Hamlet), Sarip (a resident of Sambong Hamlet), Adi Wibowo (a resident of Kartini Street), and Wakri (a resident of Sebrang Hamlet, Bendo).

Then, Mahendra Feri (a resident of Dusun Sambong), Alverta Shenazia Arvisa (a resident of Dusun Sambong) and the last deceased victim found was Tokip (a resident of Dusun Sambong, Bulukerto Village, Batu City).

Meanwhile, the survivors are Bayu Agung Setiawan (a resident of Toyomerto), Saiful (a resident of Toyomerto), Fainis (a resident of Sumbersari), Linda Ariesta (a resident of Kajar hamlet), Muhoratul Jannag (a resident of Jalan Samadi) and Arif (a resident of Malang City), East Java.

Flash floods occurred in the Batu City area on Thursday, November 4 at around 14.00 WIB. The flash flood caused quite a large impact at several points in the Batu City area.

It was recorded that there were six areas in Batu City that were affected, namely Sidomulyo Village, Bulukerto Village, Sumber Brantas Village, Bumiaji Village, Tulungrejo Village, and Punten Village. Until now, based on the latest data, six victims were reported to have died.