Deputy Governor Of DKI: Change Of Director Of The Jakarta LRT Is Not A Special Thing

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that the replacement of the President Director of the Jakarta LRT is nothing special, because it usually happens in various government agencies to business entities.

"Regarding the change, it's a normal thing. There are policies taken by the provincial government to pay attention, it's a usual refresh not only in BUMD but also among the provincial government, we also used to make changes and so on," said Riza in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 5th.

Previously, a subsidiary of the DKI Jakarta Province Regional Owned Enterprise, PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda), namely PT LRT Jakarta announced the change of the company's President Director and Director of Operations and Maintenance as of November 3.

Currently, Hendri Saputra serves as Acting President Director replacing Wijanarko, and Aditia Kesuma Negara serves as Acting Director of Operations and Maintenance replacing G Indarto Wibisono.

"This is the decision of the shareholders of PT LRT Jakarta," said Head of the Corporate Secretary Division of PT LRT Jakarta, Ira Yuanita.

Ira said the Jakarta LRT welcomes Hendri Saputra and Aditia Kesuma Negara with the hope that they can continue to generate, grow, and strengthen the Jakarta LRT as part of the urban rail industry in DKI Jakarta.

In another location, Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of PT Jakarta Propertindo Muhammad Taufiqurrahman said that the replacement of LRT Jakarta President Director Wijanarko and other directors had been carried out since November 3.

Taufik said the change was a normal thing in order to refresh the organization in carrying out its duties in the Jakarta LRT.

The change occurred after there was a decision from the general meeting of shareholders (GMS) and was in accordance with the rules. Where the directors can be replaced or appointed at any time by the shareholders, without having to wait four years in office.

"No (have to wait four years), new regulations anytime as directors can be appointed or replaced by shareholders," he said.

For the definitive positions of the President Director and Director of Operations and Maintenance of the Jakarta LRT, it will be processed after receiving an official dismissal letter from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, and there are no special tasks for implementing duties other than carrying out the shareholder's mandate.

"This is stated in the AD/ART to carry out the operations and maintenance of the Jakarta LRT according to the mandate of the shareholders," said Taufik.