Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Fails To Smuggle 228 Thousand Counterfeit Pens From China
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) through the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) together with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise foiled an attempt to smuggle 228,000 counterfeit pens from China that wanted to enter Indonesia.
"DJKI conducted inspections of imported goods suspected of violating the intellectual property of registered trademarks in the form of 288,000 ballpoint pens," said Head of the Sub-Directorate for Mark Inspection, Agung Indriyanto, who is also an expert witness for the DJKI Ministry of Law and Human Rights, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 5.
The examination of the pen which was allegedly fake and imported by PT Vikom Cahaya Cemerlang from China was carried out at the Tanjung Emas KPPBC TMP Customs Storage, Semarang.
The goods have previously been suspended by Customs based on a letter of suspension from the court Number 1/Pdt.Sus-Temporary Suspension/2021/PN.Smg dated October 29, 2021.
"The goods imported by PT Vikom Cahaya Cemerlang from China have similarities in all of the products of PT Standardpen Industries as the owner of the Standard, AE7 and Alfatip brands," he said.
Agung said that if it was brought to the criminal realm, the act was included in Article 100 Paragraph (1) with a five-year prison sentence and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 2 billion.
Meanwhile, Semarang Commercial Court judge Eko Budi Supriyanto explained that the results of the physical examination will be the basis for judges in making decisions at the trial Monday, November 8.
As additional information, the Indonesian government is currently trying to get out of the Priority Watch List (PWL) or the list of countries that are considered to have serious intellectual property infringement problems.
Indonesia's exit from the PWL status, even the watch list in the special 301 report published by the USTR or the United States Chamber of Commerce, has an important role in increasing international confidence, especially for foreign investors.