Appreciation Of National Police Chief Removing 7 Officers, Chairman Of DPR: First Steps To Reform The Police

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, appreciates the steps taken by the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who removed 7 mid-level police officers who served in a number of areas.

According to him, the reshuffle is the first step in improving the internal police institution.
"This reshuffle is not the end, but the first step to improve the internal police so that it continues to be the hope and focus of the community in maintaining security and order," said Puan in her statement, Friday, November 5. Puan assessed that the Kapolri's firm stance could provide a deterrent effect among the internal police. So that in the future it can improve the performance and professionalism of the Bhayangkara Corps.

"So that there are no more citizens who get injustice from police officers who do not carry out their duties properly. Because the police must protect the community, not disturb the community," he said.

Puan also hopes that the community will continue to actively speak out if there are allegations of abuse of authority by police officers. Because, he said, in principle, the internal supervision of the National Police and the active role of the community are things that must continue simultaneously for the sake of improving the Police in the future. Puan also believes that after this internal reshuffle, the concept of Precision (Predictive, Responsible, and Fair Transparency) promoted by the National Police Chief can return to work well in order to maintain public security and order. some bad. I hope this Precision Concept will run effectively after evaluating and correcting a few bad ones,” said Puan.