Children Affected By COVID-19 Get Intensive Psychological Services From The Police

JAKARTA - The Regional Police (Polda), North Maluku (Malut) intensively carry out psychological services for children affected by COVID-19 which are carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia, including the Malut area. For the Malut Regional Police, psychological services for children affected by COVID-19, the TNI-Polri and relevant stakeholders provide psychological assistance services, counseling and distributing social assistance (bansos) starting from school, household and health needs. "Hopefully with this activity can provide benefits for those who receive it, especially for orphans, orphans and orphans due to victims of COVID-19," he said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 4.

In North Maluku, psychological services for children affected by COVID-19 were attended by the Head of the North Maluku Regional Police Inspector General Pol Risyapudin Nursin, accompanied by the North Maluku Regional Police PJU and Korem 152/Babullah located at the Mako Sat Brimobda, Akehuda Village. children who are orphans, orphans, or orphans. In fact, of that number, there are children from TNI-Polri personnel whose parents had to die while at the forefront of dealing with the corona virus. "On this occasion we pray for those who died in the face of this pandemic. and always accepted his deeds of worship," he said.

Therefore, he acknowledged, the National Police Chief emphasized that this psychosocial support must be carried out on an ongoing basis, by mapping the potential and talents of children, face-to-face counseling activities either directly or indirectly by using technology, namely the National Police Hotline Center as well as developing e-mail applications. Police psychology for external, especially child counseling and monitoring the growth and development of children so that it is in accordance with existing potential and talents. So, all this goodwill and support is based on the principle of Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto or people's safety is the highest law, which of course we do this legally. For this reason, the National Police together with all parties involved provide psychosocial support simultaneously in 34 provinces to toddlers, children, adolescents, and groups of 2,333 people with disabilities. Which consists of 2,138 children, 195 disability groups, and 48 accompanying parents. In addition, psychological counseling services have also been opened for accompanying parents.