PAN: Change Of Commander-in-Chief Must Be Momentum For Strengthening The Modern TNI

JAKARTA - Commission I of the DPR has yet to hold a fit and proper test for the candidate for the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General Andika Perkasa, today. The commission in charge of defense will only hold an internal meeting to discuss the mechanism this afternoon at 14.00 WIB. Member of Commission I of the DPR RI from the PAN faction, Farah Puteri Nahlia, hopes that the process of changing commanders will be a momentum for the leadership relay to build a professional and modern TNI. Therefore, strengthening the TNI through modern and high-tech defense equipment needs to be the concern of the TNI commander in the future. , Thursday, November 4th.

In addition, continued Farah, the new TNI Commander needs to think about efforts to improve the welfare of TNI soldiers. "I consider the role of the TNI's assistance task to the government in dealing with COVID-19 is also an agenda that needs to be considered in the future," said the PAN politician. National Defense.

"It is important for the new TNI Commander to ensure that the TNI's transformation agenda into a professional and modern army continues even in the midst of the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic," said Farah.