Zulkifli Hasan Supports Bobby Nasution in Medan Election

JAKARTA - The North Sumatra National Mandate Party (PAN) Regional Leadership Council (DPW) said that they are ready to secure the decision of the central elite to support Bobby Nasution in the Medan elections. PAN North Sumatra will strive to ensure the smooth path of President Jokowi's son-in-law.

"The decree (SK) has been issued. We support and comply with the decision of the DPP (Central Leadership Council)," said the Chairperson of the North Sumatra PAN DPW, Yahdi Khoir Harahap, Thursday, July 30 evening.

Yahdi said, The Chairperson of PAN, Zulkifli Hasan, gave a special winning focus to Medan. Therefore, the party will immediately move to the base in Medan to ensure the vote on 9 December.

"Medan has become a serious concern. We must further increase Bobby Nasution's socialization to increase the electability," he explained.

Regarding the socialization, PAN gave a note about the solidity of the winning team later. According to Yahdi, Bobby still seems to move 'by himself' in Medan.

"If I see (at the moment) Bobby is still moving by himself. His team must be more optimized because that's the most important," said Yahdi.

In addition, Bobby is expected to be able to choose a suitable candidate for deputy mayor, whose figure meets the consideration aspects related to capabilities in order to convince the public about the concept of improving the City of Medan.

"Many considerations will be taken, of course. Certainly, it must boost the vote and help the government. Bobby is not a bureaucrat, but an entrepreneur. He must find a partner who understands Medan," said Yahdi.

The certainty of PAN's support for Bobby Nasution was disclosed by Zulkifli Hasan on Wednesday, July 29. Zulkifli gave his support because he wanted to see the battle of concepts and ideas of Medan mayor candidates.