Bobby Nasution Removes Head Of Medan Public Works UPT Office Due To Problems With Drainage: So Officials Don't Take Care

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution has removed the position of Head of Operational and Maintenance of Roads and Drainage (OPJD) of Medan Public Works Agency, Abidin.

Bobby Nasution was disappointed with the performance of the Head of UPT OPJD Medan City regarding drainage conditions in Medan City. He saw the drainage condition directly when he visited the victims of a tornado in Medan Denai District, last week.

At that time, Bobby Nasution saw puddles caused by heavy rain accompanied by strong winds. The condition of the water is also not smooth through the drainage.

After investigation, it turned out that there was a problem in the drainage connecting the sub-districts of Medan Denai and Medan Area and Medan Kota. Because of that, the floodwaters lasted about an hour before receding.

Seeing this, Bobby Nasution called the head of UPT OPJD Medan Kota that very night. Until finally Bobby Nasutuon's findings in the field led to his removal from office.

"Yes, it is true that the head of the UPT has been removed, it is meant to be a refresher. We want officials who can work well, quickly and effectively," said Bobby Nasution, Wednesday, November 3.

According to President Jokowi's son-in-law, the removal of an official is a form of learning for other officials. Bobby Nasution asked all officials in Medan to work seriously.

"Especially regarding drainage. I am very concerned about overcoming the flood problem, so my officials should not be careless. They must work hard, quickly and effectively for the community," said Bobby Nasution.

Meanwhile, the Acting Head of Public Works Office of Medan City, Ferry Ichsan confirmed this. Ferry said that the mayor had decided to remove the head of UPT Medan City on Monday, November 1.

Currently, the position is filled by an official from the BKD as the executor of the task.

"Yesterday, the guardian visited the residents in the Binjai Village to check the drainage. Then the guardian called the head of the UPT, he came a little late. There was also a problem with drainage in his area. So it was removed," said Ferry.

Ferry said that his party as subordinate to the Mayor of Medan claimed to be ready to carry out all instructions related to improvements to prevent flooding in Medan.

"So the drainage problem at the Medan City UPT has been checked and analyzed, because the guardian's direction is also so that our work is effective. God willing, we will fix the 2022 budget," he concluded.