Conflict Of Opinions Between The Fintech Association And Mahfud MD About No Need To Pay Illegal Loans: The Money Must Still Be Returned

JAKARTA - Head of Legal, Ethics and Consumer Protection of the Indonesian Joint Funding Fintech Association (AFPI) Ivan Tambunan gave his views on the government's recommendation that people not have to pay for illegal online loans (pinjol) if they are already in debt.

In his view, every form of loan must be followed by a commitment of repayment, at least according to the accepted rate. This is his analysis as a professional who had tasted higher education in the relevant field.

"Yes, that (no need to pay the illegal loan) was an instruction from the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and the Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners. I also have a background from the Faculty of Law UI (University of Indonesia). In my understanding, if there is a loan that is null and void, it must be returned to its original state. This means that the money that was given must be returned,” said Ivan in a webinar quoted on Wednesday, November 3.

According to him, one thing that needs to be an important consideration is that illegal lenders will continue to make collection efforts until the illegal entities are actually dealt with and closed by the authorities.

“Indeed, we were asked to immediately report to the police for protection. However, until the police take action against the illegal borrowing, there will be a time lag. Well, in that period, if you don't pay, you will definitely still be billed and continue to be terrorized. That needs to be taken into account," he said.

As previously reported, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD advised people who were already entangled in online loans not to have to pay.

"This is an official statement from the government, OJK, and BI, stop the implementation of this illegal loan. Second, to those who have become victims, don't pay. Because if you don't pay and someone who doesn't accept it then gets terrorized, immediately report it to the nearest police. The police will provide protection," he said at a virtual joint press conference on Tuesday, October 19.

Meanwhile, data released by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) revealed a total of 3,515 illegal lending entities that have been blocked to date.