Was Treated For Digestive Infection, Elephant Weighing 2 Ton Found Dead In Bukit Apolo Riau

RIAU - A Sumatran elephant (Elephas Maximus sumatranus) was found dead in the Bukit Apolo area, Bagan Limau Village, Ukui District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. The elephant weighing 2 tons is suffering from digestive organ infections, malnutrition and dehydration.

"From its physical characteristics, the elephant is a sick elephant which was previously treated (medical treatment) on Saturday, October 23 by the Medical Team of the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center," said Acting Head of Riau KSDA Fifin Arfiana Jogasara in Pekanbaru, Antara, Tuesday, November 2nd.

The treatment was carried out with the Tesso Nilo National Park Center in Pontian Mekar Village, Lubuk Batu Jaya District, Indragiri Hulu Regency. After being treated, the elephant seemed to be walking smoothly and continued walking towards the forest.

However, the elephant was found dead on Wednesday last week when the Head of the Air Hitam Bagan Limau Resort (AHBL) and the Tesso Nilo National Park Center (TNTN) received a report from the community in Bukit Apolo.

Furthermore, the Head of the Resort reports to the Head of the TNTN Hall which is followed up by coordinating with the Riau KSDA Center to jointly carry out the handling.

On the same day at around 22.00 WIB, the joint team headed to the location of the incident in Bukit Apolo and arrived at the location on Thursday, October 28 at around 03.15 WIB.

In necropsy (an effort to determine the cause of animal death), no samples are taken for laboratory examination. This is because all organs in the body have been damaged (lysis), so all organs in the body are buried immediately.

The necropsy was previously carried out while treating the female elephant. It is known, the animal has a height of 2.17 meters, 0.4 cm thick belly skin, 1.2 cm thick back skin.