Deputy Minister Of Finance Suahasil Observes Owners Of Subsidized Homes In Riau: They Are Happy To Have A Home And Can Do Small Business

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara made a working visit in Riau Province by visiting one of the subsidized housing for low-income people (MBR) in Siak Hulu District, Kampar Regency.

On this occasion, the Deputy Minister of Finance had the opportunity to have a dialogue with homeowners who are mortgage customers in the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) program.

“Besides being used as a place to live, many of the residents' houses also function as small businesses. This is good because it revives the economic niche of the people in the area," he said in a press statement on Tuesday, November 2.

According to him, many debtors feel helped by the subsidized housing program for low-income people.

"They feel very helpful in getting their dream house which also functions as a place of business," he said.

For information, the Ministry of Finance appointed BUMN PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial as an entity that distributes matching funds for FLPP mortgages.

SMF President Director Ananta Wiyogo revealed that the funds disbursed by the company are a mandate that must be carried out for the people.

"Subsidized mortgages are a form of the state's presence to support the improvement of the community's economy, especially low-income families," he said.

Ananta added that his party hopes that this step will have a multiplier effect on the housing sector, so that it can participate in driving 170 other derivative industries.

"The housing sector has an important role in being able to absorb labor, improve the quality of life of the community, and encourage the acceleration of the National Economic Recovery (PEN)," he said.

SMF itself since August 2018 until now has succeeded in realizing the distribution of FLPP mortgage funds reaching Rp8.27 trillion for 239,082 housing units spread across all regions in Indonesia.

In the FLPP scheme, SMF contributes to reducing the government's fiscal burden by financing the 25 percent portion of FLPP mortgage funding. Thus, the government only provides 75 percent of the total FLPP funding from the original 90 percent.

To run this program, SMF synergizes with the Central Public Service Agency for the Management of Housing Financing Funds (BLU PPDPP) in disbursing assistance funds for the banking portion for FLPP mortgage financing aimed at channeling banks.