Children Aged 6-11 Can Be Vaccinated With COVID-19 Vaccine, DPR: This Is Good News

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Rahmad Handoyo, welcomed the official use of emergency authorization for the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Sinovac and Bio Farma for children aged 6-11 years by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). our children aged 6-11 years can be vaccinated. This is good news that relieves the heart," Rahmad told reporters, Tuesday, November 2.

According to him, vaccines for children are able to expand vaccination coverage in Indonesia to support children's activities outside the home during the pandemic. In addition, said Rahmad, the vaccination program for children will increase the confidence of parents when releasing their children to take part in the face-to-face learning process at school.

"This vaccination program for children adds to our enthusiasm. This means that our ammunition increases, thus making us stronger in the fight against COVID-19," said the PDIP politician.

Rahmad emphasized that Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives, which is a partner of the Ministry of Health, will work hard to make this child vaccination program a success. This program, he said, would encourage all parties to believe in the benefits of vaccination.

With the issuance of this EUA, the Central Java legislator is optimistic that the vaccination program for children aged 6-11 years will run well. The government, he said, certainly did not decide without reason to apply emergency permits to children.

"The government already has strong data regarding the use of vaccines in children. Of course, clinical trials have been carried out so that it is believed that the benefits have just been issued," concluded Rahmad. Previously, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) issued an emergency use authorization. (EUA) against Sinovac Vaccine in children aged 6-11 years.

"We can announce the issuance of permits to use the COVID-19 vaccine from the Sinovac Coronavac vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine from Bio Farma for children aged 6 to 11 years," said Head of BPOM Penny K Lukito in a virtual press conference, Monday, 1 November.

Penny said, this is good news because COVID-19 vaccinations for children are needed following the start of face-to-face learning at schools.