Nemangkawi Task Force Holds KKB Enforcement Operation In Kiwirok Papua
Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri/ANTARA

JAYAPURA - Papuan Police Chief Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri said the Nemangkawi task force personnel assigned to Kiwirok would carry out law enforcement against the armed criminal group (KKB).

Currently, personnel from the Nemangkawi task force are in Kiwirok and will enforce the law against KKB members who terrorize the community.

"In addition, the addition of personnel from the Nemangkawi task force is also so that crime scene processing can be carried out immediately considering that in the incident there were civilians who were also health workers who were victims, both died and were injured due to being mistreated," said Inspector General Fakhiri, quoted by Antara, Saturday, September 25.

Personnel strengthening in Kiwirok continues to be carried out so that the area is again safe from armed criminal groups led by Lamek Taplo.

"Personnel from the Nemangkawi task force will serve in Kiwirok until the area is declared safe," he said.

In the KKB attack, one health worker died, 4 other health workers were injured.

In addition, the Papuan Police Chief said that the process of evacuating civilians in Kiwirok ran safely and smoothly.

"Currently the 17 residents are in Oksibil and members are providing assistance or trauma healing," he said.

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