BANDARLAMPUNG - The Lampung Health Service revealed data on daily confirmed cases of positive COVID-19 in this province. It was recorded that the area had experienced the addition of 236 new COVID-19 patients spread across 15 districts/cities.

"Out of 15 regencies/cities in this province, 236 cases of COVID-19 were donated from 14 regions," said Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office, Reihana, quoting Antara, Sunday, August 22.

Reihana said the 14 regions that contributed to the COVID-19 case were Bandarlampung City with 61 people, Metro 18, South Lampung Regency 13, Waykanan seven, Central Lampung 22, Mesuji five, Tanggamus 9, Pringsewu 47, Pesawaran nine, East Lampung 24. , West Lampung 14, Tulang Bawang three, Tulang Bawang Barat seven and Pesisir Barat there were four cases.

"With the addition of 234 new patients, the total number of COVID-19 cases in Lampung has reached 44,705," he said.

He said that of the total 44,705 cases, 36,860 patients who had been declared cured and 3,325 people who died were infected with COVID-19.

He also said that the number of deaths from the coronavirus in Lampung increased by 26 people from various regions in the province, namely Tulangbawang one, East Lampung four, Pesawaran two.

Then, he continued, eight COVID-19 patients who died from Pringsewu, Tanggamus one, Mesuji one, Central Lampung three, Waykanan one, Metro one, and Bandarlampung four.

"Meanwhile, the number of people who have been declared cured in Lampung has increased by 307," he said.

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