KOBA - Central Bangka Regency Government, Bangka Belitung Islands Province has synchronized the revision of the border spatial and regional plan (RTRW) with South Bangka Regency.

Head of the Central Bangka Public Works and Land (PUTRP) Rahmad Wibowo said that his party agreed to follow up on the discussion of synchronization and harmonization related to regional boundaries.

"This is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR) Number 11 of 2021 concerning Procedures for the Preparation of Review of Revised and Approval of Provincial, Regency/City RTRW Substances and Spatial Detail Plans (RDTR)," said Rahmad as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 13.

The discussion of the RTRW of the two districts focuses on the pattern of space on regional and administrative borders in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 17 of 2008.

"We agreed to follow up on this synchronization and harmonization efforts in the future, as well as Bangka Regency and Pangkalpinang City," he said.

Synchronization and harmonization of RTRW border areas make it easier for each region to carry out development programs.

"Therefore, it is necessary to have a coordination forum to create an alignment of the patterns and spatial structures of each region," he said.

The discussion synchronizes the boundaries of each district, he said, to accommodate all inputs and align, so that in the future there will be no overlap.

He hopes that in the future there will be no overlapping plans for spatial patterns and spatial structures between bordered regencies.

"Thus, it can accelerate infrastructure connectivity which has an impact on economic growth of two bordering districts," he said.

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