JAKARTA - Eri Cahyadi who runs as a candidate for mayor in the Surabaya Regional Head Election is not a foreign name in the City of Heroes. The figure known as 'Risma's golden child' is a bureaucrat who has long helped Risma in the City of Heroes. In the 2020 Surabaya Pilkada, Eri Cahyadi is running as a candidate for the mayor of Surabaya. Eri Cahyadi, who is supported by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), is running with his running mate, Armudji.

In the Surabaya Pilkada contest, Eri Cahyadi and Armudji competed with Machfud Arifin and Mujiaman. His name is familiar in Surabaya, especially in bureaucratic circles. Eri Cahyadi served as Head of the Surabaya Development Planning Agency (Bappeko) in the era of the Surabaya Mayor, Tri Rismaharini. Risma admitted that Eri was special.

According to Risma, Eri played an important role in designing Surabaya development. In Risma's eyes, Eri is a bureaucrat who is responsible, innovative, and most importantly, has the courage to defend the interests of many people. Risma also admitted that she had known Eri for a long time, and had even regenerated Eri since 2001, long before Risma became Mayor of Surabaya.

At that time Risma was still the Head of the Data Collection and Counseling Section of the Surabaya City Building Service. Eri's regeneration continued when Risma was transferred to the position of Head of the Park Service Branch. The regeneration, said Risma, was a message from Eri's father so that Risma trained her child.

Even though she refused, Risma finally complied because Eri's father insisted. Apart from that, Risma and Eri are tied to one alma mater: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya. "Around 2001, his father (Eri) entrusted it to me, 'please let me join Mrs. Risma.' Mbak Risma called him at that time, "said Risma, as reported by Warta Ekonomi, Wednesday, December 9.

Write a Surabaya resident

The evidence of the important bond between Risma and Eri became clearer when Risma wrote to residents of Surabaya in early December. In the letters sent to the residents' homes, Risma delivered a number of messages.

First, Risma invited all residents to go to the polling station (TPS). Second, Risma encouraged all Surabaya residents to avoid golput.

Lastly, promotion Risma. He mentioned the name Eri-Armudji as a candidate pair who had been tested, competent, and trustworthy. Achmad Hidayat, spokesman for the Eri-Armudji winning team said the letter was written by Risma at the request of Surabaya residents.

"Because of their love for Mrs. Risma, residents wanted to get a memento in the form of a letter, an invitation to succeed in the Pilkada through a letter from Mrs. Risma. Finally he wrote the letter, ”said Achmad.

Eri Cahyadi in Pilkada Surabaya

Data from the General Election Commission (KPU) Surabaya shows Eri Cahyadi is a candidate with the least assets than the others. In total, Eri Cahyadi recorded a wealth of IDR3.05 billion.

Eri and Armudji are both members of the East Java DPRD from the PDIP. Eri has served as Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD twice, to be precise in 2003-2004 and 2014. In the 2019 legislative elections, Eri tried to advance to the provincial level.

The man who was born in Surabaya, June 8, 1965 escaped with 136,208 votes. Now, with Armudji, Eri is facing off against Machfud Arifin who is a retired high-ranking police officer.

Armudji served as Head of the East Java Regional Police from 12 December 2016 to 13 August 2018. At that time Armudji replaced Iren. Pol Anton Setiadji.

Promise Eri Cahyadi

Even though he was overshadowed by Risma, Eri said he would not only continue Risma's program. Eri claimed to have had seven new innovation programs to be implemented in Surabaya during his tenure.

"Of the seven programs we have designed, three of them have attracted attention. The first is to centralize data or create big data," said Eri Cahyadi in front of ITS Manyar Surabaya alumni, Sunday, October 25.

Eri explained that big data contains a variety of data, from data on education, health, to poverty levels. Later, this data will become a reference when making policies.

For example, poverty data. With big data, the Surabaya City Government in the future will know the movement of the number of low-income people (MBR).

"So that those who have not worked can be directly handled by the City Government," he explained.

Apart from poverty, big data can also easily monitor economic growth. For example, knowing the wheels of the economy in Surabaya, through local revenue (PAD). "So that it can be a reference for development next year," said the ITS alumnus.

Then the innovation in developing the city tourism potential. According to Eri, Surabaya has superior strengths like city tourism. For example, the Bulak Fish Center (SIB), which can become a center for fresh fish trading.

"Then there is also the Ampel religious area which can also be maximized, for the development of religion-based tourism," he said.

Eri said the Surabaya City Government has proven it by changing Dolly's former localization into one of the economic centers. This is done by cooperating with various parties, including universities in Surabaya. "As well as a means of student practical work," he said.

Meanwhile in the education sector, Eri will provide free tutoring to all students at each RW Hall. So, he said, children from poor families could get additional free learning.

"I am sure that children in Surabaya will be more developed and their quality can compete to the international level," said this alumni of ITS.

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