JAKARTA - Jakarta Film Week (Jakarta Film Week) 2022 which will be held on 13-16 October. The film Barada si Roy produced by IDN Pictures and directed by Fajar Nugros was chosen as the opening film.

Ballad si Roy terpilih menjadi film pembuka sebab pihaknya melihat film tersebut memiliki pesan yang sangat penting dan relevan dengan situasi saat ini dan harus disampaikan kepada masyarakat luas.

"Between other messages about struggle, sacrifice, and integrity through Roy's character in the film. In addition, there are also universal messages about family love, friendship, which are relevant to the audience or young people that we want to invite to be involved in this festival," said the 2022 JFW Festival Director, Rina Damayanti.

In addition, Rina added, her party also saw the figure of Fajar Nugros who acted as the director of the film. According to him, Fajar is a director who loves films from a young age. This is evidenced by Fajar's perseverance in learning about film and writing hundreds of short films at the beginning of his career.

"Until he finally gets a scholarship, then almost never stops his productivity in making films. So we hope that the figure of Fajar Nugros can be an inspiration for young people who are interested in the film world to be diligent, to continue producing," added Rina.

Rina assessed that Ballad si Roy is also a film that has succeeded in overcoming the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The reason is, the film was produced at the beginning of the pandemic which forced the entire team to continue to do PCR until quarantine.

"They were able to overcome these challenges and obstacles until they were finally presented to the public in November and will be presented at Jakarta Film Week," said Rina.

The producer of the Ballad film, Roy Susanti Dewi, said she was proud and happy because the film could open and compete in JFW 2022. The reason is that the screening at JFW 2022 also marks the world premiere of the film.

"Ballada si Roy is an intellectual property (IP) that is timeless. We from IDN Pictures are very proud and happy to be able to bring this film as an opening and participate in competing in Jakarta Film Week. This screening is more special because of the world premiere, which is first than regular screenings in theaters. By participating, hopefully it can be an entertaining spectacle for viewers at Jakarta Film Week," said Susanti.

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