JAKARTA - Muhammad Afif Bobby Nasution SE, MM is a businessman who is running as a Candidate for Mayor of Medan City in the 2020 Medan Regional Election. The husband of Kahiyang Ayu and in-law of President Jokowi officially advanced accompanied by Aulia Rahman from the Gerindra Party.
Carrying the New Medan concept through the slogan "Medan Blessing", the Bobby-Aulia duet is dominated by the strength of 8 political parties: PDIP, Gerindra, PAN, Nasdem, Golkar, Hanura, PSI and PPP. With a total of 39 seats in the Medan City DPRD.
On August 11, 2020, Bobby Nasution's name finally came out of Puan Maharani's announcement speech in a virtual video conference. Along with 75 regional head candidates who will participate in the regional elections simultaneously on September 9, 2020.
Bobby Nasution declared the spirit of collaboration for New Medan.
In a virtual speech session answering Puan Maharani's words, Bobby did not look awkward, "... I bring the spirit of collaboration in the city of Medan, where this spirit was born from the spirit of Bung Karno's mutual cooperation. We will make the spirit of collaboration strengthen all party elements to create a New Medan, a new, blessed city of Medan, "said Bobby Nasution while holding a piece of paper and wearing a red alma mater shirt, the official uniform of the PDI-P cadre.
Before deciding to enter politics and become a PDIP cadre since March 2020, Bobby Nasution's career was an entrepreneur in various business sectors; property world, culinary coffee shops, until he became active as manager of the Indonesian League Main Division football club, Medan Jaya in 2014. Even his name was widely rumored as one of the strong candidates to fill the vacant Secretary General post at PSSI which he later rejected.
Muhammad Afif Bobby Nasution, known as Bobby Nasution. The youngest child of the couple (late) Erwin Nasution and Ade Hanifah Siregar. Bobby has two older sisters, Inge Amalia and Poppy Dewinta Nasution. Born in South Tapanuli, he inherits the blood of Mandailing and South Tapanuli, and has the status of the 7th generation descendant of the King of Mount Baringin Nasution Mandailing, Natal Penyabungan Timur.
Bobby's childhood while in elementary school was spent in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Together with their two brothers, they studied at SD Muhammadiyah 02 Pontianak. Entering secondary level education, Bobby moved to Bandar Lampung and attended SMP Negeri 22 in the city of Lampung. Still in the same city, he continued his education at SMA Negeri 09. Often Bobby and his family moved from one city to another, remembering his father's call of duty.
When in Elementary School, little Bobby was the same as most other children his age. There is no special treatment, his academic achievement is normal, according to the confession of Bobby's former homeroom teacher at Muhammadiyah 02, Sumardi.
After graduating from high school in 2009, Bobby chose the Bogor Agricultural Institute in the city of rain, Bogor, West Java. The choice fell to the Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Economics and Management. So that the bachelor's and master's degrees are taken at the same campus and faculty.
Often meeting Kahiyang Ayu every time she studied group, the two fell in love. In less than a year in a serious relationship, in June 2017 Bobby made up his mind to propose to Kahiyang Ayu in front of his parents. On November 8, 2017, Bobby Nasution finally officially edited Kahiyang Ayu in Solo, Central Java. Following the celebration of the second marriage in Bobby's village on 25 November.
This time Kahiyang follows the cultural customs of her husband's extended family, wearing the Mandailing (South Tapanuli) custom. The orange, black and red clothes with motifs designed in these traditional clothes tell the cultural diversity of Tapanuli and Mandailing Natal. Accompanied by the traditional musical instrument of the side gordan, one of the Mandailing arts.
The traditional feast at the second wedding session began on Friday 24 November 2017 with the slaughter of a buffalo. As well as the customary assembly to determine the title for both partners. The highlight of the event was on Saturday 25 November 2017, President Jokowi and Iriana Jokowi attended the eye of the horja, as well as the official status of Bobby Nasution's in-laws.
It was different at the wedding of Bobby's brother-in-law, Gibran Rakabuming in 2015. The witness of Gibran's wedding at that time was only the head of the local RT, Pak Yani, who oversaw the head of RT 8 / RW 7, Sumber Village, Banjarsari District, Solo, Central Java.
For the sake of excitement, the train and horse groups were brought directly from the city of Solo to cross to the city of Medan. Until the typical motorized pedicab of Medan was also involved in the procession of Bobby and Kahiyang.
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"If he only wants a position, Bobby can become the CEO of BUMN tomorrow," defended the deputy candidate for Bobby Nasution, Aulia Rahman when meeting with volunteers at the Bobby Nasution Volunteer Joint Secretariat (Sekber), Jalan Cut Mutia, Medan, Tuesday (11/8/2020 ). An official duet has been announced, that Bobby Nasution and Aulia Rahman are candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Medan in the 2020 Pilkada.
Through the slogan Medan Berkah, Bobby wants the city of Medan to change.
The election of the name of the president-in-law as a Candidate for Mayor of Medan City to face the simultaneous regional elections on September 9, 2020 in the city of Medan will be a surprise. The controversy over Gibran Rakabuming has not subsided, however, the presence of Bobby Nasution has increased. The promises that were often uttered by the president were no longer the same. But Bobby argued with a tone of wisdom.
"If you say dynasty, yes not dynasty. We have to see his enthusiasm. Perhaps the motivation is for the dynasty, ”said Bobby Nasution straightforwardly. He excuses shame, how is his hometown like this (now), “Medan's identity, but Medan is like this. Even though he has the power to build Medan City, "said Aulia Rahman, imitating what Bobby said when asked about his reasons for running.
Distinguishing between dynastic and political priviledge, VOI.ID Series Posts
Through the Collaborative Government, Bobby emphasized the importance of an integrated collaboration when he is elected Mayor of Medan. He wants all levels of society to unite, collaborate, starting from the lowest elements of society to the highest.
Bobby wants all people to come together to collaborate, starting from the lowest elements of society to the highest level. "This collaboration solution that we will apply to the government, or Collaborative Government. Where all are involved, open, in running the government, "he said at the Collaboration House, Medan city (11/8/2020).
Slowly, the intimacy between the PDIP and Gerindra has become increasingly visible, which yesterday faced off as opponents, now clinging tightly as friends in the regional elections of Medan and South Tangerang (Tangsel). In the South Tangerang region, there is a duet of Muhamad and Sara Djojohadikusumo as candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang 2020. The last name who accompanied Muhamad, is a politician who is the nephew of the Minister of Defense and chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto. Meanwhile, Muhamad previously was a bureaucrat with the status of the Regional Secretary of Tangsel.
Acquire an artist's house. In 2018, Bobby reportedly bought a house from artist Laudya Cintya Bella. With an estimated price of around 9 billion rupiah.
More wedding guest invitations. The invitation distribution for as many as 8,000 guests at his wedding with Kahiyang Ayu, turned out to be twice as many as the invited guests of Gibran Rakabuming in 2015.
Bobby's brother is the youngest member of the DPRD. Bobby's older brother, Inge Amalia Nasution, is the youngest member elected to the Medan City DPRD. He was not yet 25 years old when the 2014-2019 term was elected yesterday.
Medan Jaya Manager and the issue of the position of PSSI. The name Bobby Nasution was once recorded in the management structure as manager of the Medan Jaya football club. When his care team struggled with the caste of the Indonesian League Main Division.
One of the words of the prospective in-laws. Jokowi apparently had a mispronounce when simulating the consent granted before the official procession arrived. Bobby's future in-laws are trying to keep repeating and remembering until it runs smoothly.
Full name Muhammad Afif Bobby Nasution SE, MM
Call Bobby
Place and date of birth of Tapanuli Selatan, North Sumatra, July 5, 1991
Profession of Entrepreneur
Degree in Economics (SE) Master of Management (MM)
Parents (late) Erwin Nasution, Ade Hanifah Siregar
Family Poppy Dewinta (brother) Inge Amalia Nasution (brother)
Kahiyang Ayu couple
ChildrenSedah Mirah NasutionPanembahan Al Nahyan Nasution
Education Master of Management, Bogor Agricultural University (2015) Faculty of Economics and Management, Bogor Agricultural Institute (2009) SMA Negeri 09, Bandar Lampung (2006) SMP Negeri 22, Bandar Lampung (2003) SD Muhammadiyah 02, Pontianak, West Kalimantan (1998)
Career Journey Director of Marketing, Takke Group (2016-present) Manager of the Indonesian League football club Medan Jaya (2014) Owner of Veteran Cafe, Kota Binjai, Medan (2013)
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