JAKARTA - Retired General Gatot Nurmantyo is a former 16th TNI Commander who was appointed by President Jokowi for the 2015–2017 period. Gatot Nurmantyo is one of the declarators of the US (Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia), a moral movement that aims to uphold the truth and create justice for society. Together with Din Syamsuddin and other national figures, Gatot Nurmantyo declared WE on August 18, 2020 at Tugu Proklamasi, Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta.

He is a retired figure who is known to be religious and close to ulama in Indonesia. The husband of Enny Trimurti has served as Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army and also Commander of the Army Strategic Reserves Command (Pangkostrad).

We need to unite in a common belief, as a nation we don't want to be divided for any interest. Remember we are a rich and prosperous country. A society that is tolerant and full of mutual cooperation. Let's in the current difficult conditions, we have extraordinary strength. We have the potential to become a developed country, ”his speech was straightforward.

The participation of Gatot Nurmantyo as a key figure in the kami movement was due to the concern of the Indonesian nation towards a downturn. It takes extraordinary strength by society to save the condition of a country that is actually rich and prosperous.


Who is Gatot Nurmantyo

Gatot Nurmantyo was born in Tegal City, Central Java, on March 13, 1960. He is the eldest of 7 children. The first name of this eldest son was inspired by his father Suwantyo, who was a Student Soldier during the independence struggle, and served under the command of General Gatot Subroto.

His father retired with the last rank of Lieutenant Colonel Infantry and his last assignment was Head of Physical Health at Kodam XIII / Merdeka, North Sulawesi. Meanwhile, Gatot's mother is the son of a Pertamina chief in Cilacap.

As a soldier's son, Gatot used to move around from childhood. After going to Tegal, up to grade 1 elementary school he lived in Cimahi, West Java. Then move to Cilacap until Gatot class 2 SMP. Then move again to Solo until finishing high school.

His desire to become an architect almost came true when he enrolled at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The mother who knows her child's intentions, immediately advises her wisely, that the family's condition which is only supported by her father, who is a retired soldier, will prevent her younger siblings from enjoying school. Immediately undo.

Without notifying his family at the house Gatot went to Semarang, Central Java. He registered himself at Akabri through the Diponegoro Military Command. Upon returning home, his mother advised that when he became a soldier, Gatot should become a member of the RPKAD, which is now known as Kopassus.

Twice Gatot tried his luck to register as Kopassus but had no luck. He arrived as the Army Chief of Staff in July 2014. Immediately he summoned Danjen Kopassus Major General TNI Agus Sutomo in order to fulfill his late mother's hopes. However, Danjen's offer at that time suggested that Gatot not need to participate in education, and that he would only be given an honorary certificate.

But he disagreed and refused. His wish is to insist on following all normal procedures as the process for the Kopassus exam stages. Then he faced all the stages. In the end, Gatot Nurmantyo successfully graduated and was officially appointed as a big family of the Red Beret Corps. On September 2, 2014, Permisan Beach in Cilacap became a silent witness to how his son's wishes had come true for his mother's wishes. As RPKAD soldiers, or Kopassus.

Gatot wants a process like the general Kopassus exam. So that he went through various stages of rigor; starting from doing exercise in the early morning shirtless, soaking in cold temperature water from Situ Lembang at midnight, to swimming across from Cilacap to Nusakambangan.

Gatot Nurmantyo has the right to get a brevet on the right side of his chest, as a symbol of receiving it through the proper procedures that every Kopassus soldier must follow. Things that could not have happened if he said yes to the offer of honor, because the brevet of honor is on the left side of the chest.

Immediately he boarded a helicopter from Cilacap to Kartosuro, the headquarters of Kopassus Group 2. Gatot, who was still wearing a red beret with a black shirt that smelled of mud, his body was covered with wounds, he headed for the graves of his parents in Solo.

"Mother, I have fulfilled my assignment." he said kneeling in front of the grave, when he was 55 years old.

After graduating from the Military Academy in 1982, he began his career in Kostrad's green beret infantry squad. The task is quite heavy, starting from territorial control, troops, and education within the Army. Gatot's career jumped when he was pulled from Papua to Jakarta. His role at that time was appointed as Kasdivif 2 / Kostrad, then to the Dirlat Kodiklat. His thoughts and insights were considered quite broad, making him the number one person in the Military Academy as Governor of Military Academy in 2010.

One year as Governor of Military Academy, he was appointed Commander of Brawijaya Regional Command. Just a year later, he was again assigned to the Dankodiklat TNI AD. In 2013 Gatot Nurmantyo was appointed Pangkostrad, he was promoted to replace Lt. Gen. Muhammad Munir.

Before becoming General Commander of the TNI, Gatot Nurmantyo was the 30th Army Chief of Staff during the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

When he only served as Pangdam Siliwangi for about six months at that time, Gatot Nurmantyo was immediately trusted by Edi Sudrajat, a former TNI Commander who was concurrently Minister of Defense and Security under President Soeharto.


Gatot Nurmantyo and OUR presence

His worry that proxy war is growing and exacerbated by the aggressiveness of the oligarchs of power in this country, and that absolute power plays from behind the constitution, is the reason for Gatot Nurmantyo to attend. A declaration from the US (Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia) at the Proclamation Monument, Pegangsaan Timur, on 18 August.

Wearing brown trousers, combined with a black coat and cap, he was present on behalf of himself. Whenever there are legal implications of that event, he will admit that he is ready to take responsibility.

The name General Purnawirawan Gatot Nurmantyo is among 150 other important figures, there is the name KH. Din Syamsuddin, Rizal Ramli, Refly Harun, Rocky Gerung, to the former social minister from the PPP party, Bachtiar Chamsyah.

A forum is needed so that problems in the state and government are heard by the wider public, so that he and the 150 other figures absorb and represent the concerns of the people from various walks of life. He asked all parties to be honest about what was happening in the country.

Gatot's statement with Bachtiar Chamsyah immediately went viral and had an impact on an online movement via the hashtag #KamiMauMakar from those who considered an indication of treason through the WE movement.

"One of the dangers of a proxy war that I said is exacerbated by the development of the oligarchy of power in the country. The power played is managed by groups of people and it is no longer fortunate that they do it under the mask of a constitution. " he said firmly during the WE declaration speech.

Since the time he became Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army (Kasad), Gatot has indeed been guerrilla in preaching the issue of proxy war from campus to campus through various public lectures. The issue that refers to how the nature and characteristics of war has shifted along with the development of technology is also followed by high-ranking Army officers who often make speeches in formal or non-formal sessions.

Gatot's enthusiasm was getting bigger and bigger to go directly when he learned of the Pancasila Ideology Policy Bill (RUU HIP) which was turned into the BPIP Bill. His fear of a shift in the Pancasila ideology was a real threat he often shouted at when he was commander of the TNI.

In the Gatot Nurmantyo era, all ranks and soldiers were ordered to do a nobar (watch together) the G30S-PKI film. As a reminder of the nation's dark historical tragedy.

Even though he has retired, Gatot also reassures how the soldier's oath to be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution is a responsibility that should be reminded to anyone.

"I swore 38 years ago, that By Allah I swear I will always be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. So, I at least remind you that retirees are responsible for their oath, especially those who are still active," he concluded.


Gatot Nurmantyo's military world trip

At that time, the situation was in polemic. President Jokowi's decision was deemed to have violated the traditions within the TNI, regarding the rotating rations between the Army, Navy and Air Force units. However, on 8 July 2015, President Jokowi continued to inaugurate the figure of Gatot Nurmantyo, the former Army Chief of Staff. With the mandate in accordance with Article 13 of Law №34, it is stated that the TNI Commander can be held alternately by high-ranking officers who are or have served as heads of the force.

Gatot Nurmantyo officially served as TNI Commander at the age of 55 years. His job is to replace the role of General Moeldoko who is entering his retirement period.

Prior to serving as TNI Commander, Gatot Nurmantyo was the 30th Army Chief of Staff who served in the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono since July 25, 2014. Gatot Nurmantyo replaced General Budiman. Then he served as Commander of the Army Strategic Reserves Command (Pangkostrad) replacing Lieutenant General Muhammad Munir.

The Commander of Kostrad explicitly conveyed in a public lecture with the theme "The Role of Youth in Facing Proxy War" at the University of Indonesia, March 11, 2014. That this was also agreed by Ryamizad Ryacudu through Antara in 2016, how one of them was through the issue of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay , Bisex and Trasngender).

Gatot's statement was popular among the DPR elite when he put forward the idea that the army could return to politics. "This idea is not for now, maybe 10 years from now, when everything is ready," he explained in early October 2016.

At the end of his tenure, Gatot was hit by rumors of alleged corruption in the purchase of the Augusta Westland (AW) -101 Helicopter belonging to the Indonesian Air Force. A situation that triggers awkwardness between forces within the TNI. Together with the KPK in May 2017, Gatot clarified the mark up of around 220 billion prices.

The activeness of the TNI under Gatot's leadership can also be seen in the campaign "The closeness of the TNI to the People". Cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture to print rice fields and buy and sell rice.

The commander's firmness was reflected in his video conference with Karni Ilyas in September 2017 at the Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC) event.

".. First, I order my soldiers to watch. It's my business, no one can make a fuss about my business with my soldiers, that's my authority," he said.

"When a part of this nation thinks about and tries an ideology other than Pancasila, whatever it is, including communism, what will happen is a heartbreaking tragedy," he added.

The heat of the situation that hit the DKI regional elections due to the polarization of the two camps that tapered off over the issue of SARA and differences, made Gatot participate in the action to support religious tolerance in November 2016. Together with National Police Chief Tito Karnavian, Social Minister Khofifah Indar Prawansa, and Yenny Wahid, Gatot attended in order to garner support for unity between religions and to balance the previous demonstrations targeting the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Ahok.

On December 8, 2017 Gatot Nurmantyo was officially replaced by TNI Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto as TNI Commander. Since then he has been a retired officer and has civilian status. That month was the last time Gatot set foot at the State Palace. It was only at the end of January 2019 that Gatot Nurmantyo returned to the palace as an invited guest of President Jokowi at the TNI-Polri Leadership Meeting ahead of the biggest contestation for the 2019 presidential election. whose party will be in the 2019 presidential election.

Towards his replacement, Gatot rotated as many as 85 high-ranking officers who at that time considered by military observers to be "indirect influence" when he retired.

According to Muhammad Haripin, what Gatot Nurmantyo achieved as TNI Commander can be considered as continuing the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) policy previously carried out by General Moeldoko. Policies which strengthen the technical and managerial capabilities of the TNI.

On Saturday 9 December 2017, Gatot Nurmantyo officially transferred the post of TNI Commander to Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto. Accompanied by the attraction of the flight of five Sukhoi aircraft and five F-16 aircraft in the middle of the handover of the baton at the TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta. Gatot at that time refused to retire early, so that the red mark on his rank was released and he became a regular soldier.


The retired officer loud voice

In the life of the father of three children, he is known as a religious figure. His close relationship with the ulama was explicit in the national media.

His involvement in the Action to Defend Islam was accused by Allan Nairm of The Intercept, as an agreement by Gatot to overthrow Jokowi. The accusation that Gatot immediately denied through an interview session with Rossi Silalahi, Kompas TV.

Gatot is indeed active in visiting various scholars to Islamic boarding schools.

Gatot's appearance, wearing a white cap when attending the 212 Action, became a sign language as a subliminal message, which he denied. In the 'Rosi' talkshow session on Kompas TV on May 4, 2017, the white cap was intended as a symbol of communication among millions of people, most of whom wore the same colored cap, according to him.

Amid the pouring rain pouring down the city of Tasikmalaya, West Java, Gatot Nurmantyo continued his speech on the podium. He asked his entire army of soldiers to keep the scholars in this country. In the framework of a Ramadan safari in the Brigif 13 Galuh field, Kostrad.

"So Pancasila is a gift from Islam for Indonesia, there is no way the Ulama will destroy Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," he shouted from the top of the podium in the pouring rain of Brigif 13 Galuh field, Kostrad, Tasikmalaya, West Java.

Although acknowledged by the internal Democratic party, Achmad Mubarok and Subur Sembiring, regarding the name Gatot Nurmantyo who was included in the Democratic party's version of the presidential candidate market, Hinca Panjaitan rejected him. On March 3, 2020, Hinca said pencapresan could only come from internal Democratic cadres.

He denied Karni Ilyas's joke in his event at ILC, November 2016, which suggested that Gatot was a worthy candidate for president. He emphasized that nothing leads to the presidential nomination, "I would rather be a sacrifice to carry out the task of maintaining the unity of diversity than I become president."

His voice was quite loud when he talked about how the issue of radicalism had become increasingly massive in society. The issue of radicalism has indeed become the main issue of the elected Minister of Religion, which is carried out by fellow retired TNI officers General Fachrul Razi. Radicalism does not mean only targeting Muslims according to him.

The presence of a retired figure like Gatot Nurmantyo at Prabowo's National Speech in Surabaya on April 12, 2019, shocked the public. Allegedly, his arrival as an option for the former TNI commander will be on the day of the election. Even though the event was over, he still did not want to be explicit.

His speech, which began at 15.45 WIB at that time, started with the issue of global citizenship to the issue of state resilience related to the low budget value for the TNI. Then he also protested about the transfer of TNI personnel which he said was cut after he was no longer the TNI Commander. He also said how many of his high-achieving subordinates were actually removed from strategic positions, including those who succeeded in uncovering cases of smuggling thousands of weapons from abroad. His statement was clear, that he had no intention of taking office even though Prabowo was elected president.

“When I served as TNI Commander, I tried my best but I was helpless. APBN-P, TNI, namely the Department of Defense, TNI Headquarters, TNI AD, TNI AL, and Air Force, the number of personnel is more than 455 thousand, has hundreds of combat aircraft, has hundreds of warships, thousands of tanks, and heavy weapons. The budget is only Rp. 6 T more. So that the Defense Department can get Rp. 1 trillion, the Army can get Rp. 1 trillion more, AU Rp. 1 trillion more, the Navy can get Rp. 1 trillion more. The TNI Headquarters can get Rp. 900 billion, "he said from the stage.


Gatot Nurmantyo interesting facts

5,000 firearms in circulation. His statement regarding the circulation of 5,000 firearms was very controversial, both among the people and the political elite. Having been reminded that the information is not good for public consumption, he did not budge.

Build 19 mosques abroad. It is known that Gatot Nurmantyo has built 19 mosques from his own pocket. One of the names of the mosque is named Nur Inka. Timur was given the name Nur Inka. A name taken from Gatot's daughter who had died. Nur Inka Mosque itself is located at various points, Malang, Sumenep, Pamekasan, and Jember.

So much love for the late daughter, Nur Inka was also built overseas, namely in the United States and the Philippines. A little extra 'Nusantara' so that it became the Nur Inka Nusantara Mosque.

Send free Umrah. Gatot's appreciation for those mosque administrators by sending free Umrah. According to Muhammad Toha, Takmi at Nur Inka mosque on Jalan Wilis, Malang, East Java, "Almost every year someone is sent for Umrah. I left in 2015 with a group of 180 people. "

He also admitted how Gatot forbade mentioning what they had gotten. Toha agrees that Gatot is generous and very kind.

Command 'Nobar' G30S / PKI. In order to ward off the rise of communist issues, he ordered his entire staff to replay this film by director Arifin C. Noer. The reaction of various circles considered his orders inappropriate, because the film G30S / PKI, which was produced in the middle of the New Order era, was considered controversial.

Never been involved in human rights violations. Gatot Nurmantyo's net name in the military world is far from the track record of military figures who violate human rights. According to Haris Azhar, Coordinator of the Commission for Missing Persons, the election of Gatot Nurmantyo to become commander of the TNI was an effort to maintain political stability.

Gatot Nurmantyo's profile

The full name of General (ret) Gatot Nurmantyo

Gatot's call

Place and date of birth Tegal, Central Java, March 13, 1960


Army Profession (Retired)

Title Four Star General (Retired)

Parents Suwantyo

AnakBayu Yudha NRInes Titi SaridanInka Martha NR (Deceased)

EducationKopassus (2015) Military Academy (1982)

Property report Rp 13,704,369,535 (Anti-Corruption Clearing House, ACHH)

Social Media Instagram: @nurmantyo_gatot


Career Journey

Commander of the TNI (2015–2018) Army Chief of Staff of the Indonesian National Army (2014–2015) Dankodiklat of the Indonesian National Army (2011–2013) Pangdam V / Brawijaya Indonesian National Army (2010–2011) Governor of the Military Academy (2009–2010)



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