
JAKARTA - Yesterday, Samsungresmi launched Automatic Blocker, a new tool developed to keep the Samsung Galaxy device safe and protected.

Samsung has added this security tool to their software, namely One UI 6. With the presence of Autoblockers, Samsung wants to maximize security for Galaxy users.

We are trying to keep our users safe from security attacks. With the introduction of Automatic Blockers, users can continue to enjoy the benefits of our open ecosystem, knowing that their cellular experience is safe," said EVP & Samsung Security Team Head Seungwon Shin in its official release.

The presence of the Automatic Blocking feature will prevent sideloading, application installation from unauthorized or non-distribution sources of the Galaxy device's official application.

However, there's nothing wrong with using sideloads. Some users may be comfortable using sideloads to improve their device customization and control.

Therefore, Samsung provides two options for this Autoblocking feature. This feature can be disabled by default if the user likes to sideload. Vice versa, this feature can be activated to provide extra security.


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Samsung warns that sideloads from malicious sources can present cyber crimes such as voice phishing or malware. There needs to be extra prevention so that Automatic Blockers are presented.

This new feature from the Samsung Galaxy has an additional set of controls to check the safety of apps, detect potential malware, and prevent software installation via USB cables.

To prevent the last installation, Samsung deliberately added this control so that Galaxy users can safely charge their phones in various public places such as airports or stations.

Samsung also added an update to the Message Guard to mitigate Zero Click's attack, namely a direct image message that hides malicious codes.

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