JAKARTA - Wiredows devices usually present the choice of Sleep, Hibernate, and Shutdown for their devices. However, not all users know when it's the right time to use it.
These three choices have different functions, depending on the device's needs or user's situation. Quoting from Makeuseof, Sleep mode will keep PC in low power mode while keeping in mind all app processes that are still open.
When the device is built, all unsaved data will not be lost. This mode is very useful if the user only wants to leave the device for a while without wanting to turn it off and operate the entire application or operation from scratch.
Meanwhile, Hibernate mode will automatically store the entire RAM content into a hard disk or SSD file. All items stored include ongoing processes, applications that are still open and unsaved.
Once stored, your device will turn off. However, when you reopen your device, all backup applications and processes will open automatically.
This mode is perfect when the battery power is very low, but you can't find a place to charge. While keeping data from disappearing, you can save power for a long time.
Finally, the Shutdown mode will close all applications and processes without caring to save. After making sure everything is closed, your Windows laptop will shut down.
Shutdown is certainly necessary if you don't use the device for a long time. Apart from being unnecessary, your laptop also takes time to rest.
That's the difference between the use of Sleep, Hibernate, and Shutdown modes. Don't forget to use these three modes according to your needs so that Windows can run well for a long time.
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