
JAKARTA - Apple HomePod users can now be happy to welcome third parties to their speaker devices. After Spotify's presence, Apple HomePod can now use YouTube Music.

Melalui unggahan kepala produk YouTube, Brandon Bilinski, di Reddit yang dilihat 9to5google, YouTube Music kini bisa diatur sebagai default dalam pencarian musik. Pengguna bisa dengan mudah meminta Siri menerinkan lagu kesukaan di YouTube Music.

Before using YouTube Music, make sure you have subscribed to the Premium package. After that, open the application and tap your user icon at the top right, then open Settings > Connected App > Connected to HomePod.

Meanwhile, you can make YouTube Music a default by opening the Home application on iPhone or iPad, then tap the settings icon and open Home Settings. Then, open the username in the People section and tap the Default Service.

Quoting from TheVerge, the option of Connected App may not be visible on YouTube Music, but this is nothing to worry about. You just have to forcibly close the app and open it again or update the YouTube Music app to the latest version.

For information, there are still few third-party options for HomePod services. Before Spotify and YouTube Music appeared, users could only use Apple Music, Deezer, and Pandora.

Although HomePod was able to connect with Spotify before YouTube Music, Apple still did not provide direct connection support via the speaker app.

To use Spotify, you need to open the music app and select HomePod via the Airplay or Bluetooth option, a more troublesome step than connecting YouTube Music.

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