JAKARTA - The launch of iOS 17 brings many features and updates to Apple device users, one of the new features is creating stickers from the Photos app on the iPhone.
Stickers in the Messages app cover a wide range of options, including personalized creations from your images and even animated stickers from Live Photos.
Now, you'll know how to create stickers through the Photos app on your iPhone.
How To Create Stickers From The Photos IPhone Application
Apple's Photos app is equipped with a rich set of features, and Apple is upgrading it by adding the ability to generate stickers from your own images.
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To create stickers from your photo, follow these steps:
To change the subject inside Photos directly to an animated sticker, proceed with the same steps you do for ordinary photos.
Once you reach the Add Effect page, make sure to tap the OFF option in the top left corner so that it turns into ON.
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