
JAKARTA On Monday, October 25, YouTube announced that Premium Lite subscription packages would be discontinued. This announcement was shared via the email of its customers.

"We want to let you know that after October 25, 2023, we will no longer offer you a Premium Lite version," wrote YouTube, quoted by The Verge.

The Premium Lite package has been tested by YouTube for two years. This package was first launched in several European states in 2021, including Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.

The package, which was launched at a price of IDR 119 thousand, offers features similar to ordinary Premiums. Some of the features provided are offline resignations, video playback without opening the app, and access to YouTube Music.

With the removal of the Premium Lite feature, customers are now only given two options, subscribe to a Premium package or don't subscribe at all so they need to watch YouTube with ads.

However, YouTube provides convenience to Premium Lite package users. In an email sent by YouTube, Premium Lite users will get a free YouTube Premium trial for a month.

This free YouTube Premium trial can be enjoyed after customers spend the Premium Lite package period or after customers cancel the package.

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