
JAKARTA - In addition to canceling your Netflix subscription, it turns out that you can also delete your Netflix account as well. Even though it sounds the same, canceling membership and deleting a real account has a different meaning.

Canceling your Netflix account means you just stop subscribing, and can't watch movies and TV shows on the platform after your current collection cycle ends. However, your account will still be available on the Netflix server, and you can still log in.

While deleting a Netflix account means your account details will be removed from the company's servers. Once your account is deleted, you won't be able to log in. So, if you want to subscribe to Netflix in the future, you should create a new account.

However, it should also be noted that if you cancel your subscription for ten consecutive months, Netflix will delete your account.

Fortunately, Netflix has the option to delete an account in its mobile app. This feature is stored in the account settings section, but you can access it whenever necessary.

Tapi, sebelum menghapus akun pastikan Anda sudah memperbarui aplikasi Netflix dalam versi terbarunya. Setelah itu, follow langkah-langkah ini untuk menghapus akun Netflix Anda:

Netflix will schedule the deletion of your account after your collection cycle is now over. You will see a confirmation email from Netflix confirming that the request was successful.

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