JAKARTA - After eight days, the end of the PUBG Mobile Solo esports number match on Monday, May 15 at the same time closing the medal match by the Indonesian national team at the 2023 Cambodian SEA Games.
For this Solo number, Indonesia fielded six professional athletes, they are Redface, Joshua, Satarrr,men, Boycil, and also Leondz.
Taking place with eight matches, in the first match the six Indonesian representatives had to return to the lobby early, so they could not secure their position at the top 10.
However, coach Robby Mahardika Saputra alias NaTiC, especially Satarrr, managed to improve his performance in the next match-match.
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Until the eighth match, the athlete whose real name is Alan Raynold Kumaseh managed to maintain his position in second place, until finally Satar was entitled to bring home a silver medal at the Cambodian SEA Games this year.
Unfortunately, the other five Indonesian athletes were unable to get medals. In the first position, athletes from Cambodia, Skynin managed to lead the match with a total of 84 points, and came out as the first winner of the 2023 PUBG Mobile Solo SEA Games Cambodia.
In second place, there is Satarrr from Indonesia who only has one point difference from Skyin, with 83 points. Then followed by Parajin, an athlete from Vietnam with 81 points.
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