
JAKARTA - F1 to F12 is a function button on the QWERTY keyboard which is often used to give specific commands or access certain features in the operating system or app. These buttons are usually located at the top of the keyboard, to the left of the "Esc" button and above 1 to 0.

Each F1 to F12 button has a different function depending on the context of its use. Here are some general functions from the F1 to F12 buttons on the QWERTY keyboard.

F1: Help

The F1 button is often used to access help in the operating system or application under use. When the F1 button is pressed, a help window or help document will usually appear containing information or instructions on how to use programs or operating systems.

F2: Change Name Or Edit

The F2 button is generally used to change the file name or folder in the operating system. When the F2 button is pressed, usually the selected item will be the editing mode, so that the user can easily change the file name or folder.

F3: Search

The F3 button is often used to enable search functions in programs or operating systems. When the F3 button is pressed, a search box will usually appear that allows users to search for files, folders, or text in the program or operating system that is currently in use.

F4: Change View Mode

The F4 button is often used to change the view mode in the application or operating system. For example, in the word processing program, the F4 button can be used to change between the "Read" and "Tulis" views. The F4 button function can vary depending on the application or operating system used.

F5: Restoration

The F5 button is usually used to refresh or reload web pages or documents in the program. When the F5 button is pressed in the web browser, the web page that is currently opening will be updated, while in the word processing program or spreadsheet, the F5 button can be used to reload the document that is currently opening.

F6: Selection or Navigation

The F6 button is often used to switch between different elements in programs or operating systems. For example, in word processing programs, the F6 button can be used to switch between menus, tools, and document areas. The F6 button function can vary depending on the context of its use.

F7: Examination Of The Slide Show

The F7 button is generally used to check spelling and grammar in word or presentation processing programs. When the F7 button is pressed, the program will usually check the text that is being written and highlight misspelled words or grammars. In addition, in some presentation applications, the F7 button can also be used to start or stop the slide show display.

F8: Selection Modes Are Safe

The F8 button is usually used to access selection mode in operating systems, such as safe mode or recovery mode. Selection mode is a mode where the operating system only loads the driver or service needed to run the computer, which is useful in solving problems or repairs when dealing with operating system problems. The F8 button function can also vary depending on the operating system used.

F9: Do Not Have A Standard Function

The F9 button function is not specified as a standard function in a specific operating system or application. Therefore, the F9 button can be set by the user or by an application that is being used to perform special actions, such as linking it to a command or macro in certain applications.

F10: Accessing Context Menu

The F10 button is often used to access context menus or shortcut menus in operating systems or applications. The context menu is a menu that contains relevant options for objects that are currently selected or areas that are currently active. Users can use the F10 button to access this menu and select the options needed.

F11: Full Screen Mode

The F11 button is generally used to enable or disable full-screen mode in programs or operating systems. When the F11 button is pressed in a web browser, for example, the display will switch to full-screen mode, which will remove the device blades and other displays to provide a wider browsing experience.

F12: Fast Access To Special Features

The F12 button is often used to access special features in programs or applications under use. The F12 button function can vary depending on the program or application used, and can often be set by the user or by the app itself to run specific commands or trigger certain actions.

When using Microsoft, this tool can be used to open the "Sace As" box, allowing users to save the latest version of the file being created.

Those are some general functions from the F1 to F12 buttons on the QWERTY keyboard. However, it's important to remember that this button function can vary depending on the operating system, application, or settings used.

Users can refer to the documentation or user guide of the program or operating system used to understand in more detail the F1 to F12 key functions in a specific context.

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