
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) is collaborating with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in handling hoax content in the digital world by utilizing artificial intelligence technology or artificial intelligence.

Through this collaboration, the Director General of Informatics Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Semuel A. Pangerapan said that they would collaborate in creating AI technology features in helping the Ministry of Communication and Informatics oversee hoax content on the internet.

"There is a need to create a technology system. Through this collaboration, Kominfo and Korika BRIN will create artificial intelligence technology to analyze hoax news and sentiment," he said, launching the official Kominfo website, Friday, April 14.

Semuel also explained that later Korika BRIN will produce algorithms made through Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques that will be given to Kominfo to be utilized.

"The results that Kominfo hopes can take advantage of Artificial Intelligence technology in carrying out its supervisory function of hoax news and sentiment on social media," he said.

In addition, this collaboration is also a follow-up to the implementation of the National Strategy for Indonesian Artificial Intelligence (Stranas KA) which was launched on National Technology Awakening Day on August 10, 2020.

"Korika is the result of collective and collaborative thinking from various entities that complement the components of quad helix, government, industry, academics, and communities. To orchestrate a collaborative ecosystem to produce innovation," said the Chairman of Korika, Hammam Riza.

This collaboration, which is formalized through the Cooperation Agreement (PKS), is also a tangible manifestation of collaboration in accelerating the implementation of the national strategy of odor intelligence towards the 2045 Indonesian Vision.

"This is in line with the formation of Korika which is a combination of the center of artificial intelligence innovation (PIKA) during BPPT," he said.

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