Sports Recommendations After Operation Caesar, Help The Recovery Process
Sports illustration after caesarean operation (Photo: Pixabay/gold_1992)


YOGYAKARTA Exercise after undergoing caesarean surgery is very important because it can help the recovery process, tighten the stomach muscles, and help restore the body to its original shape.

However, sports after caesarean operations should not be rushed, considering that the body needs time to recover.

So, when can you exercise after the caesarean operation? What are the sports recommendations after the caesarean operation? The answer to this question can be seen in the following article.

Unlike normal childbirth, giving birth with caesarean surgery takes a long time to recover. Usually, the recovery time after the caesarean operation lasts for 6-8 weeks.

After going through that period, you are only allowed to do regular exercise as you usually do.

However, to avoid unwanted things, you are advised to consult a doctor before exercise. Usually, doctors will allow exercise if vital signs such as blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate are in stable condition.

If the doctor has allowed you to do sports, it is important to consider the intensity and type of exercise after giving birth in a caesarean manner.

Start by doing light exercises such as stretching, Kegel exercises, or walking.

In more detail, here are sports recommendations after caesarean operations that you can do:

1. Upper stretching exercise

This physical activity can reduce muscle tension and restore your movement flexibility. Here are some of the top stretching exercises you can do:

2. Foot stretch exercise

Foot stretching exercises can help restore muscle strength and tighten the body.

Here are the steps to do leg stretching exercises:

3. Poultry breathing exercise.

Rekomendasi olahraga setelah melahirkan yang berikutnya adalah latihan respirasi respirasi tubuh. Pelatihan ini dapat membuat otota lebih tengah.

How to do stomach breathing exercise, namely:

4. Kegel exercises

The benefits of doing Kegel exercises after caesarean surgery are being able to strengthen the lower pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy and childbirth.

Not only that, Kegel exercises can also overcome urine incontinence after giving birth.

Here are the steps to do Kegel exercises after the caesarean operation:

That's information about sports recommendations after caesarean operations. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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