
CHINA - Indonesian swimmer Jendi Pangabean and Maulana Rifky Yavianda each won gold medals in the 2022 Asian Para Games swimming sport Hangzhou.

The first gold came from Jendi in the 100 m backstroke S9, after successfully recording a time of 1 minute 05.74 seconds in the final match which was held at the HOC Aquatic Sports Arena, Hangzhou, China.

"I feel happy, mixed, because on the last day of this swimming competition, I was only able to donate a gold medal to Indonesia," Jendi said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, October 28.

Meanwhile, the silver medalist for the match number was won by the host's representative, Jie Wang, with a time of 1 minute 08.50 seconds.

Then, Iranian swimmer Abolfazl Negarestani was entitled to a bronze medal after becoming the third fastest with a time of 1 minute 09.00 seconds.

Jendi was relieved by this acquisition because in the end he succeeded in presenting gold to Indonesia.

In addition, he also maintains similar achievements at the 2018 Asian Para Games Jakarta.

"I am very relieved to finally be able to defend the gold medal as well as repeat the achievements I achieved at the 2018 Asian Para Games in Jakarta in the 100-meter back, where I also won the gold medal, and here I can still defend it," said Jendi.

The second gold medal from the swimming pool in today's competition came from Rifky Yavianda in the men's 100m S12 freestyle number.

The result is Rifky's second gold after previously getting it in the men's 100 meters butterfly number.

Just like Jendi, Rifky also appeared dominant in this number with a time of 55.53 seconds.

Meanwhile, Uchu Tomitho from Japan became the second with a difference of 3.42 seconds.

Mohammadhossein Karimi got bronze with a distance of 3.61 seconds from Rifky.

"For evaluation, for myself and maybe, don't be too underestimated, practice hard and always be grateful for what we get," said Rifky.

With this result, the Indonesian swimming team closed their journey in the fourth edition of the Asian Para Games by collecting three gold, one silver and one bronze.

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