
YOGYAKARTA - Volleyball is a team sport that is popular with many Indonesian people. One of the important skills that must be controlled by the forwards (spiker) in the volleyball team is smash. There are several types of smashes in volleyball that novice players need to understand.

A smash in a volleyball match is needed to find points or points. With a smash, the ball will slide fast onto the opponent's field and it will be difficult to block or block. Therefore, the volleyball team had to carry out attacks with smashes to break into the opponent's defense.

However, smash punches must be done with the right technique in order to succeed in winning points. The smash that is done carelessly is likely to widen, go flat and directionlessly, or be blocked by the opponent. So what types of smashes in volleyball must be controlled?

Smash is a hard blow so that the ball can go fast and sharply into the opponent's field area. Front players or spikers can do smash variations so that attacks are not easily read by opponents.

Here are 4 types of smashes that volleyball players can do to produce points:

Open smash is the most common smash or the most common hit. This smash is also the basis of smash practice. This smash is taken from a pass with a height of more than 2 meters. This smash technique starts from the start, jumps, floats, hits the ball and lands.

This type of smash aims to facilitate attacks with smashes if the receiver service is far from tosser or feeder. Smash open is the most effective strategy to launch attacks from the sidelines. This smash is also often used for cross-sectional ball attacks.

Quick smash in volleyball is a smash technique that relies on speed and sudden timing. This smash is done with a pass from a tosser that is continued no more than one meter above the net lip. This smash technique requires good cooperation between a tosser and a spiker.

The initial technique on this smash punch is no different from the other types of smash. But it is more emphasized on the unstable normal attitude and is within a closer distance from the feeder. Because the bait on this type of smash is shorter than the semi pass. The bait ball is also directed to soar over the feeder.

Another type of smash that must also be mastered is straight smash. This smash is also known for cutting motion blows. This smash is done by a player when the ball is at an optimal height and rolls at a distance as close as possible to the net or net.

To do this smash, the spiker must get closer to the side of the net post before jumping. After the ball bait approached the ideal position, the new player jumped to throw a punch.

Semi smash is also one type of smash that must be mastered by volleyball players. This smash technique is different from other types of smashes, in terms of signaging and the height of the ball. Semi smash is a smash that is done with a bait about 1-2 meters above the net lip.

This smash technique emphasizes the way it applies when the player hits the ball while at the highest point of the jump. This smash also focuses on the wrist to direct the ball into the opponent's field area.

Those are the types of smashes in volleyball that novice players need to learn. By mastering these various smash techniques, players can do various smashes so they are not easy to guess or driven away by opponents.

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