
YOGYAKARTA - Who doesn't know this type of shoe, from small children to people who are old also know what and what the method of work is. Yes, it is a roller skate or rollerblade. Are you interested in learning roller skating techniques?

According to history, in Indonesia itself, rollerblading began to enter and develop in the community in the middle of the year, namely the 1960s. Since then, young caulas in several big cities have started to love playing rollerblading which has so far become part of a lifestyle. After that, a special organization called PERSOSI or the All-Indonesian Roller Skate Sports Association was formed in 1979. Yup, in fact, rollerblading is also a sport.

However, currently rollerblading is not only a tool for exercising but also children's play equipment as well as a complement to happiness in exercising, let alone traveling to families. One of them is when many children or families play rollerblading in car free day on weekends or holidays. Healthy body, heart is also happy.

Well, it's appropriate for those of you who want to be healthy while playing happily. For those of you who want to try but can't, don't be afraid! This is a step by step or steps for the newcomer who wants to practice roller skating.

1. Use Roller Skate Equipment

2. Practice Balance

For newcomers, you must venture to stand by balance. The trick is to open your legs as wide as your shoulders, then try to make your feet form the letter V.

For a place to learn balance, it can be on grass or carpet. This is intended if you fall, it doesn't cause any injuries. Always practice up to the posture of the balance. Keep trying!

3. Practice Running

After you can stand the balance, start walking slowly. Early to the right, then to the left, then to the right, and then to the right, and so on, practice always until you feel comfortable walking on the roller skating.

After you feel you can, start moving faster and take longer steps. Push harder on the wheels so that you go further at each step.

4. Learn to Launch

After you can stand balance and walk, try to learn to slide. First, the position is always a kind of letter V, after that 1 leg pushes in the back position, 1 leg slides in the front position. Try slowly until it's easy.

If this matter is easy, try it too:

5. Learn to Stop

You have understood about rollerblading equipment, walking methods and sliding, now try to learn to stop. Right-wheeled shoes have brakes on the heel. Make it stop, slide when the rollerblading is located parallel to each other. For more details, place the right-wheeled shoe slightly in front of the left shoe, lift your foot from the right-wheeled shoe, then press hard on the heel. The more pressed the heel your feet, the faster the wheels stop.

Those are the steps to practice rollerblading for newcomers, Oh yes, there are another 3 methods that should not be ignored, namely the basic method of playing roller skating, namely:

"Go forward" (run 5 steps and slide 1 time)

Don't forget to bend your knees a little and bend your body or lean in the future

T Stop (conducting by forming the letter T)

When ending the body and legs form the letter T aka your feet are widened towards the right and left. Don't forget to bend your bodies a little.


Start the position of the body bowing. After the speed starts to go down, change your legs, when you turn, let the rollerblading continue to slide. After the direction You guys are right, step again feet.

So after knowing the technique of playing roller skating, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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