
YOGYAKARTA - Many people undergo muscle exercise because they want to have a stiff and strong body. Each body has muscle types that can be pumped or improved in performance. Even a number of athletes or bodybuilders often apply a combination of muscle exercise to get maximum results. However, you need to know that there is a combination of muscle exercise that cannot be combined.

Usually people choose muscle exercise in fitness or gyms because there are complete sports equipment. By utilizing equipment in the gym, you can do a combination of muscle exercise. For example, you do exercises that move the arm muscles with the chest muscles, or the leg muscles with the stomach muscles.

Applying a combination of muscle exercise will accelerate muscle formation to the fullest. However, exercise techniques must be carried out appropriately. Do not let you do a combination of muscle exercise that should not be combined for your safety and security.

Here are some combinations of muscle exercises that should not be combined:

For beginners who undergo muscle training, you need to know the type of antagonist muscle. This type of muscle is a muscle that has conflicting traits, for example, the back muscles and chest muscles. Some experienced athletes or bodybuilders often combine this muscle exercise to obtain optimal results.

However, if you are still a beginner, you should avoid a combination of antagonist muscle exercises. The application of this combination of muscle exercise is heavy because it involves the activity of the upper muscles of the body simultaneously. For those who are not used to it, this exercise actually causes muscles to become tense and tired quickly, and causes pain to the potential for injury.

Beginners should also not combine similar muscle exercises. For example, by implementing exercises that combine the muscles of the triception and chest muscles, or exercise of the bisep muscle and the back muscles. But in addition, this combination of muscle exercise has several advantages.

When you train your chest muscles, the trisep muscles will also be stimulated. So in the next training session you don't have to spend time heating extra time, so you can go straight to core training. But you should avoid a combination of similar muscle exercise in one day. For example, undergoing back and chest muscle training, or even combining bisep muscle exercises and trisep muscles.

In the body there are various types of muscles with different characteristics. It is better to avoid the combination of muscle exercises that are related or have anatomically close connection. For example, combining the exercise of the stomach muscle and chest muscles in one exercise.

The muscles in the body that have anatomical relationships are categorized as muscle exercises that should not be combined. This also applies to the combination of the exercise of the back muscles and the chest muscles simultaneously. Given the connection between these muscles, when the exercise is carried out in one session, other muscle groups will also move and put pressure on them.

Those are some combinations of muscle exercise that should not be combined. Although applying a combination of muscle exercise can provide maximum and rapid results in muscle formation, you should recognize the technique and effect.

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