JAKARTA - China won the Sudirman Cup again for the third time in a row. The Sudirman Cup trophy for this year was won after defeating Korea 3-0 in the final round which was held at the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center, Sunday, May 21.
Zheng Si Wei/Huang Ya Qiong, Shi Yu Qi and Chen Yu Fei managed to present the victory in this match.
In the first match of Zheng Si Wei/Huang Ya Qiong beat Seo Seung Jae/Chae Yu Jung 18-21, 22-20, 21-8 in a duration of 1 hour 2 minutes.
China's advantage was 2-0 after the second party, Shi Yu Qi beat Lee Yun Gyu 21-13, 21-17.
اقرأ أيضا:
China's victory was determined thanks to the victory of Chen Yu Fei who defeated An Se Young 21-16, 22-20.
This is the third successive Sudirman Cup title won by China after 2019 and 2021. A total of 13 Sudirman Cup titles have been won by China since this team tournament was held in 1989.
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