
JAKARTA - Indonesian men's 63 kilograms kick light (kg) kickboxing athlete Abdul Aziz Calim said he was undergoing the 2023 SEA Games in Cambodia while enduring blood cough.

"I competed in a sick condition but in mindset I tried to win because I had been training for six months and didn't want to lose either," said Aziz as quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 18.

This blood cough was obtained because Aziz was not strong enough to face the cold air while undergoing a training center in Kyrgyzstan for a month.

"That, I was preparing at Kyrgyzstan it was too cold there, I got a lung infection because of the cold air. I coughed, the cough didn't go away for more than two weeks," said Aziz.

In the kickboxing final in kick light 63 which was held at Elephant Hall 1 Morodok Techo National Stadium, Aziz managed to win a gold medal after defeating Vietnam athlete, Hau Tran Minh.

He said in the final match it was not 100 percent fit, but with high enthusiasm and playing he finally managed to win.

"In the final still, I returned to the corner still coughing," said Aziz.

"I'm still coughing my blood. In the final, I thought 'this is the final one more step'. So I played smart, in the final I played smart," he added.

Aziz added that another success factor that won gold was always keeping the mind from always thinking positively.

"It's all from our minds, if our minds are strong we must be strong," said Aziz.

On the same occasion, he was very happy to be able to win gold at the biennial sporting event.

"The feeling is very, very proud because parents and all Indonesian people are proud as well and all kickboxing administrators," said Aziz.

In addition to one gold produced by Aziz, Indonesian kickboxing also won other medals, namely two gold, four silver, and four bronze.

This achievement also exceeded the target set by the Indonesian Kickboxing Center Management (PPKBI), namely by maintaining medals at the previous SEA Games in Vietnam 2021, namely two gold, one silver and one bronze.

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