
JAKARTA President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked PSSI General Chair Erick Thohir to do his best so that Indonesia would not be sanctioned by FIFA after failing to host the 2023 U-20 World Cup.

FIFA made the decision to remove Indonesia from its host status on Wednesday, March 29 evening WIB. In an official statement, FIFA said it would impose sanctions following the deletion.

"I have asked the General Chairperson of PSSI, Mr. Erick Thohir, to continue to do his best so that Indonesian football is not subject to sanctions. Including the opportunity to host other events," Jokowi said in a press statement on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, March 30.

FIFA itself has not specified what kind of sanctions will be given to Indonesia. However, a number of reports predict that the Indonesian national team will be banned from playing at all levels of competition under the auspices of FIFA.

Apart from being ostracized at the international level, national football is also likely to be affected by sap. The worst is that Indonesia can lose confidence in holding various other sporting events.

Jokowi said that the decision of the parent of international football was disappointing. However, he hopes that the public will not get involved in sadness and blame each other.

"As a great nation, we must look forward. Don't look back. Make this a valuable lesson for all of us for Indonesian football," said the former Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Indonesia was dropped to host the 2023 U-20 World Cup after rejection of the Israeli national team. However, in an official statement, FIFA did not mention the specific reasons for Indonesia's deletion.

Even though Indonesia was crossed out for less than two months of the competition schedule, FIFA ensured that the U-20 World Cup would continue to run according to the initial schedule, from May 20 to June 11, 2023.

So far, FIFA has not announced which country will replace Indonesia as the host. However, Argentina is on the FIFA list of favorites appointed as the organizer.

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