
JAKARTA - Soon to go home, one tradition of Indonesian society ahead of Lebaran which has existed for years. Residents in big cities or city workers will return to their hometowns to be with their families.

Although there are many fun things, going home with a long goal can be a scourge for some people because the costs that must be incurred are quite large, especially if you use a private vehicle and have to spend a lot of money to buy fuel oil (BBM).

On Suzuki's official website, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 1, it provides some important tips to save fuel consumption from the vehicle used.

This can also be used by people who want to follow the 2023 Eid homecoming tradition which will occur in the future.

The car is in prime condition

Before traveling long distances, it is better for vehicle owners to carry out maintenance or check on the vehicle they want to use later.

Regular car maintenance such as changing oils, air filters, and maintaining wind pressure on tires can help your car operate better and save fuel. Also make sure to pay attention to the health of the car engine by improving engine problems early on.

How to drive

Cara bermudi juga menjadi faktor utama dalam menjaga keiritan konsumsi BBM, pengguna yang memiliki kebiasaan-ugalan akan justru memiliki risiko pengeluaran yang berlebih untuk konsumsi BBM.

Driving wisely, such as avoiding excessive speed, not suddenly stepping on the brakes frequently, and maintaining distance from the vehicle in front can reduce fuel consumption. In addition, avoid driving with sudden acceleration because it can increase fuel consumption.

Turn off the car engine

The car engine is still on even though the car is stopped. Therefore, when it is stopped for a long time, such as waiting at a red light or in a bad condition, turn off the car engine so as not to waste fuel.

Use the recommended type of fuel

Using the type of fuel that is in accordance with the car manufacturer's recommendations can help reduce fuel consumption. Choose a fuel that has an octane that is in accordance with the car manufacturer's recommendations and avoid mixing fuel with different types.

Avoid overloading

The tradition of going home that will occur some time, will be widely used by the community to meet relatives in their hometowns. No wonder, during the Eid homecoming season, many people bring goods into their vehicles for various purposes.

Carrying an excessive burden in the car can increase fuel consumption. Avoid bringing unnecessary goods and checking the maximum weight capacity of the car before carrying luggage.

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