
JAKARTA - The feud between Fahira Idris and Ade Armando has entered a new chapter. The fight between the two continued with Ade Armando's counter reports about the alleged defamation. Previously, Fahira reported Ade for the case of depicting DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan as the Joker character.

Ade reported Fahira on the alleged criminal defamation. The case is Fahira said Ade Armando has never been touched by the law even though he has been caught in many cases.

"'Brother AA (Ade Armando) seems to be proud that he has not been touched by the law.' That is what I will complain about because I never boasted that I was not touched by the law," said Ade at the Metro Jaya Regional Police Headquarters, Friday, November 8.

Fahira's statement uploaded to his Instagram has no longer been found. However, Ade had captured the upload screen to be used as evidence.

Fahira's upload, said Ade, had the element of building an opinion that he really could not be caught in criminal law. This University of Indonesia academic explained that he was not above the law, but he was never guilty in every case that caught him.

"So far, maybe I have never been imprisoned, maybe. If I believe it is because I am innocent [not above the law]."


Regarding the upload of Anies Baswedan's photo which was transformed into a fictional character of the Joker, Ade said he only re-uploaded it without changing the photo that was already viral first.

This is not true with Fahira's report. Fahira reported Ade on suspicion of violating Article 32 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 48 paragraph 1 of RI Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning ITE which regulates violations in terms of changing, adding, reducing, destroying original photos.

"I did not add, did not reduce, did not destroy, did not change the photo at all. So in my view it should not be brought to justice," he said.

Fahira's report is considered by the police to be incomplete and is still in the consultation stage. "The evidence is lacking like this, we think first (the uploaded sentence) that was lost must be traced back, what the original looks like. Both said, there are new things found today," said Ade.

"So it is lacking in the sense that it is not unclear, but it does need a procedure for verification," he continued.

Separately, Fahira advised Ade to focus on the cases he reported. While denying Ade's accusation about the sentence containing 'Ade Armando is above the law'. According to him, the sentence was written by netizens in the comments column.

"Never. Denied, yes. Many people commented a lot. For example, comments from uni please Ade are invulnerable to the law and so on. But for me, not really," he said.

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